
关于该论题的经典论文包括Easterbrook and Fischel, Limited Liability and the Corporation, 52 U. Chi. L. Rev. 89 (1985); Hansmann and Kraakman, Toward Unlimited Shareholder Liability for Corporate Torts, 100 Yale L.J. 1879 (1991); Bainbridge, Abolishing Veil Piercing, 26 Iowa J. Corp. L. 479 (2001). 中文的详细介绍,参见许德风:“论法人侵权——以企业法为中心”,载《清华法学》,第十辑,清华大学出版社,2007年2月,第144-170页。
Skeel and Krause-Vilmar, Recharacterization and the Nonhindrance of Creditors, SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=888182 (last visit: May, 2007).
前引注 Bainbridge, pp. 132 ff.
Bankruptcy Code: § 1112(b)(4)(C); Schwartz, A Normative Theory of Business Bankruptcy, 91 Va. L. Rev. 1199, 1212 (Fn. 25) (2005).
在刺破公司面纱的经典案例Walkovszky v. Carlton, 223 N.E. 2d 6 (N.Y. 1966)发生时,纽约市明文规定有强制的出租车责任险,但法律规定的强制投保的最低限额很低(1万美元),而原告的主张有50万美元,因此无法给以充分的赔偿。
前引注 Schwartz, 91 Va. L. Rev. 1199, 1211 (Fn. 21) (2005).
Grigoleit, Gesellschafterhaftung für interne Einflussnahme im Recht der GmbH, Verlag C. H. Beck, 2005.
it would be a mistake to suppose that debt holders, as compared to equity holders, have completely forgone control in order to get a more secure income stream. Through property rights, debt-holders can influence how the capital they supply to the borrower gets used.” Carruthers/Halliday, Rescuing Business: The Making of Corporate Bankruptcy Law in England and the United States, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1998, p. 27; Mülbert, Empfehlen sich gesetzliche Regelungen zur Einschränkung des Einflusses der Kre-ditinstitute auf Aktiengesellschaften? – Gutachten für den 61. Deutschen Juristentag, Mün-chen, Verlag C. H. Beck, 1996, S. 9 ff.
前注 Mülbert, S. 51.
Thießen, Covenants in Kreditverträgen: Alternative oder Ergänzung zum Insolvenzrecht, ZBB 1996, 19; 另可参见前注 Carruthers/Halliday, pp. 26 ff.
Section 9 (3) Insolvency Act 1986; Westbrook, The Control of Wealth in Bankruptcy, 82 Texas L. Rev. 795, 818 ff. (2004).
4Given the large gap between going-concern value and other values, the enterprise control given to the dominant secured party has the potential to be substantially more valuable to the parties than the mere collateral control granted to the ordinary secured party.“ 前注 Westbrook, p. 816.
4For example, an administrative receiver is entitled to solely consider the interests of his or her appointer when determining the timing of a sale of a business. Where an offer is made which is sufficient to satisfy the secured creditor’s claim and the administrative receiver’s costs, there would appear to be little incentive for the receiver to delay the sale with a view to obtaining a better offer which might provide some return for unsecured creditors.“ Department of Trade and Industry (2001), S. 9 (para. 2.3).
Fletcher, UK Corporate Rescue: Recent Developments – Changes to Administrative Receiver-ship, Administration, and Company Voluntary Arrangements – The Insolvency Act 2000, The White Paper 2001, and the Enterprise Act 2002, 5 EBOR 119 ff. (2004).
Sch. 16, paras. 11 (a) Enterprise Act 2002 (court order) and 11 (b) (无担保权人指定接管人) and 27 (2) (a) (out-of-court appointment by the company or its directors). 其他的介绍,参见:Mokal, The Floating Charge – An Elegy, 2003, SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=386040 (last visit: 2.3.2006), p. 17 (Fn. 90).
4The administrator of a company must perform his functions with the object of achieving a better result for the company’s creditors as a whole.“ Para. 3 Schedule 16 Enterprise Act 2002.
Voigt and Andersch, Unternehmenskrisen und ihre Bewältigung – die Sicht der Banker, Die Bank 2003, 192 (192).
前注 Voigt/Andersch, S. 192.
Mann, 96 Mich. L. Rev. 159, 163 f. (1997).
Rasmussen, Vanderbilt University Law School Law & Economics Working Paper Number 04-17 (2004), S. 16.
详见笔者就读于慕尼黑大学的博士论文:Defeng Xu, Die Rechtsstellung von dinglich gesicherten Gläubigern im Unternehmensinsolvenzverfahren: Eine vergleichende Untersuchung zum deutschen, US-amerikanischen und chinesischen Recht, 2007, Kapitel 3 und 4.
美国法上担保债权利息的保护,仅限于担保物的多余部分(equity cusion),即超额担保的部分。也就是说,将担保物变价后,若在清偿主债权后仍有剩余,则该剩余部分可用来清偿担保债权的利息。若没有剩余,则主债权的利息在整个破产程序期间都将无从保护。相关案例如:In re Kost (1989, D.C. Wyo.) 102 B.R. 829。
Städtler, Grundpfandrechte in der Insolvenz, Mohr Siebeck, 1998, S. 239; Bruns, Grundpfandrechte im Insolvenzplanverfahren – das Ende deutscher Immobiliarsicherheiten?, KTS 2004, 1 (2) 在美国法上,对于equity cusion,破产管理人或债务人无义务提供充分保护(adequate protection)。参见Warren and Bussel, Bankruptcy, 6th. ed., New York, N.Y., Foundation Press, 2002, p. 600.

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