


“The bloody incident caused a steamed bread” attractedthe eyes of many Internet users. At the same time , on Huge whetherinfringement or not, people had a debate. The writer think Huge’s act aboutcreativing “the bloody incident caused a steamed bread” is the act heperformance the right to freedom of expression (Specificly speaking ,it is theright to freedom of speech and freedom of creation). So from the high legaltheory, the writer think that the nature of the controversy is the conflictbetween the right to freedom of expression and copyright .the writer begin thisarticle from whether there is the existence of right conflict andwhat is right conflict or not ,and then I Analysis the right to freedom ofexpression and copyright in this case. And then the writer analysis theperformance and the reason on the conflict between the right to freedomof expression and copyright, and the writer illustrate it in the context ofthis case . Finally from economics way of thinking, the writer gets ideas toresolve the conflict between these two rights . The writer believes that thebest way to resolve the conflict is getting the “balance” between the tworights. Specificly speaking ,on the one hand we can learn the westerncountries’ ”parody” to improve rational use system, on the other hand fromjudicial field according to law values, interests and the principle of equitysize, the principle of proportionality ,the judge solve the conflict.
right conflict,the right to freedom of expression ,copyright ,balance
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