Corporate as Association: A Reconstructual Framework of Corporate Theory
The exploration of the nature of corporation, after the 1980’s, with the rising of significance of the topic of privatization, insider control, stockholder oriented model, and pro and con of M&A, is reoccurred to a highlight in legal studies. The emerging wave, including the numerous troubles and misfeasance of corporate governance of public corporation, the social problem of unemployment, unfairness, unjustness in privatization of State-owned corporation, takes many scholars into putting their mind into the exploration and turning over into the nature of corporation. Now, the revision of corporation law is on the schedule of several administrative agencies, the comment on the “old” corporate law is now going public for opinion by the supreme court of China, but the idea of corporation is limited to the traditional civil law model, under the tough selection among the fiction theory, the nominal theory and the entity theory. The either-or puzzle dom is facing a new challenge in the conflict situation between the debate of stockholder and stakeholder.
In this article, the author develops a new explanation, which tries to unify the stakeholder and stockholder into a whole framework called corporate theory under the public dimension. This theory can be a review and restatement of corporation’s public/ private boundaries, which could embody and coordinate the conflict of stockholder and stakeholder, and could be the foundation for corporation, in a modern society facing so many different forms of organizations. This theory is also taking the nature of corporation for its will which could be separated from the members of association, which is allocated into different points in the dimension of publicity. With the different characteristic in the dimension of publicity, the independence of director board, the power of directors and managers, the accountability and fiduciary duties, the regimes of regulation could be adjusted to different and predictable ways.
三、stockholder vs. stakeholder:进一步的分析
而在我国的公司理论中,或者说,法人理论之中,通说认为存在着三种不同的观念:法人实在说[corporate realism]、法人拟制说[fiction theory]和法人否认说[symbol theory],尽管这三者的划分,在我国学者的引用之中,都直接或者间接来源于德国法[2]。法人实在说和有机体说混同,用来说明公司的实体性;而拟制说则是指人格与责任均来源于法律,否认说则是指公司是自然人的集合。