"千金散尽还复来"这句诗可以更形象得说明美国投资公司的特性――公司投资于证券B是将金钱"散"去,但"散"是为了钱再"来",用钱赚钱,这才能体现"投资性",如果公司仅仅将钱用来一般性的生产经营,那么该公司不受1940年ICA的管辖;公司的钱虽然花掉但是仍会"来"并且"来"之有道,来自于公众购买该投资公司的"证券A"的资金投入,如果公司不用自己发行证券A的钱投资,仅仅是用自有资金来投资于证券B, 那么也不受1940年ICA的管辖。
1940年ICA第3(a)(1)规定了"投资公司"的定义,在本节中,"投资公司"指满足下列条件的任何发行人(any issuer )――
(A)主要从事、宣称主要从事或计划主要从事投资、再投资或交易证券的业务。(Section 3(a)(1)(A)any issuer which is or holds itself out as being engaged primarily, or proposes to engage primarily, in the business of investing, reinvesting, or trading in securities)
(B)从事或计划从事发行分期付款型面值证书,或者已经进行该项业务并且该种证书已发行;(Section 3(a)(1)(A)any issuer which is engaged or proposes to engage in the business of issuing face-amount certificates of the installment type, or has been engaged in such business and has any such certificate outstanding),应该说明的是,这种投资公司在20世纪20、30年代曾经非常流行(prevalent),现在事实几乎已经不存在了(virtually extinct)。
(C)从事或计划从事投资、再投资、拥有、持有或交易证券,并且拥有或计划收购投资证券,且此类证券的价值超过发行人未合并财务报表前总资产(不包括美国政府证券和现金项目)的40%。(Section 3(a)(1)(C)any issuer which is engaged or proposes to engage in the business of investing, reinvesting, owning, holding, or trading in securities, and owns or proposes to acquire investment securities having a value exceeding 40 percentum of the value of such issuer’s total assets ,exclusive of Government securities and cash items, on an unconsolidated basis)。
ICA第2条(a)(22)界定了"发行人",是指每个发行或者计划发行任何证券的人、或者每个拥有已发行证券的人。("Issuer" means every person who issues or proposes to issue any security, or has outstanding any security which it has issued.)这个定义又包括两个特征,"人"(person)和"证券"(securities)。
1.ICA第2条(a)(28)指出"人"既包括"自然人"又包括"企业"【1】 ("Person" means a natural person or a company.)ICA第2(a)(8)界定了"企业",指公司、合伙、联营、股份制公司、信托、基金、有组织的人合体(无论注册成法人与否),或者美国法典11章情形下的破产清算人或受托人、或者具有上述同样职能的官方代理人或清算代理人。("Company" means a corporation, a partnership, an association, a joint-stock company, a trust, a fund, or any organized group of persons whether incorporated or not; or any receiver, trustee in a case under title 11 of the United States Code [11 USCS § § 101 et seq.] or similar official or any liquidating agent for any of the foregoing, in his capacity as such.)