Sports Discipline in Doping and Strict Liability
Analyzed strict liability in doping discipline; argued there are disputes and conflicts on applying strict liability in doping control and it is efficient for the healthy development of sports but there are risks of discipline on innocent athletes; there are conflicts of public interests and private interests in doping discipline and they are different results by considering different interests; the healthy development of sports is considered to be the first important; some sports organizations weaken strict liability by giving athletes the opportunity of explaining and considering their fault in doping discipline to protect their interests because strict liability is too harsh; sports organization in China considering athletes fault in sports discipline.
为了保证公平竞争,体育组织对违反公平竞争的行为进行严厉处罚;对于一些严重违规行为,尤其是兴奋剂违禁问题实行“严格责任”(strict liability),即不问运动员主观上是否有过错,只要其体内存在违禁药物即可对其进行处罚,如果一个运动员不能证明自己的无辜则很可能导致处罚。
“严格责任”是来自对有效管理的要求,其理论基础是:要证明犯规者的过错是极其困难的。如果不实行“严格责任”,被查出的违禁者往往辩称“不知道”、“误服”、“遭人陷害”:澳大利亚赖利违禁,其教练出来顶罪,承认是他让赖利服用了含禁药成份的头痛片;澳体联主席认为禁赛3个月是合适的,而且应从检测之日算起。俄罗斯的彼德洛夫违禁,他的女友突然供认,因怀疑他喜新厌旧,因而在他的食品中偷偷地添加了兴奋剂。意大利的贝维拉卡违禁,她辩称因服中成药而误服了麻黄素,意田协决定免于处分。西班牙的洛佩斯违禁,该国泳协以并非有意服用而仅仅给以停赛2周的处分。智利的加里多违禁,他辩称是因为给比赛的组委会提了住宿和伙食方面的意见而遭到“报复”,因此免获处分 。