A New Study on Relation Between Manager and Shareholder——An Interpretation Based on Human Capital and corporate Contract
【摘要】The traditional theory of the corporate law defines the relation between corporate managers and shareholders as agency, and based on this definition the corporate law constructed the manager law system. However, along with the decentralization of the modern corporate’s shares and the development of the knowledge economy, the mechanism in view of agency that the shareholders supervise and restrict the managers has been not work properly. The agency theory not only is at a loss to what to do to the tide of the “managerial revolution” in the reality, but also turns a blind eye to the managers’ role as the key human capital of the corporate. So, it is necessary to re-define the relation between corporate managers and shareholders. The contract theory and the human capital theory provide a new angel of view for this re-definition. By defining the relation between corporate managers and shareholders as agency, It is good to build new corporate manager law system for responding to the “managerial revolution” and knowledge economy.
【关键词】经理 股东 代理关系 契约关系
张文楚 谈 萧
内容提要 传统的
关键词 经理 股东 代理关系 契约关系
现代公司中经理越来越处于核心位置。公司经理不断取代股东成为公司事实上的控制者,以至于人们惊呼这是一场“经理革命”(managerial revolution)。在现行的公司法律制度中,经理是公司所有者即股东的代理人,并不享有公司所有权。公司经理与股东之间是代理关系意味着“经理革命”是经理对股东权利的僭越。然而,经理与股东的关系就一定是代理关系吗?人力资本理论和公司契约理论对此提出了新的解释。这一解释对界定公司经理与股东的关系具有革命性意义。如果它是成立的,