Intellectual Attribute of the CommercialMarks
张 耕
he issue whether the commercial mark falls into theambit of the intellectual property is thought of as the key to defining thesaid property. The design and selection of the commercial marks entail the intellectualprocess. Its use and reputation in creating the commercial mark have, ineffect, been the process of the intellectual activity of creation. The valueand the reputation in the said mark intensively manifest the intellectualefforts of the creators. Though the distinctiveness has been embodied in theprotection of the Trademark Act of the People’s Republic of China, the valueand the reputation of the commercial marks has been and is still to beconsidered the fundamental motivation to claim the intellectual protection andconstitute a right of property if close relationship between thedistinctiveness and creativeness in a commercial mark, the historical roots,fairness and justice embodied in the law should form the basis of the analysis.
在知识产权基础理论研究中,知识产权的定义是一个争议较大的问题。对此,主要有三种观点:第一,用列举方式具体指明知识产权包括的种类,如《建立世界知识产权组织公约》第二条规定,“知识产权”包括:关于文学、艺术和科学作品的权利;关于表演艺术家的演出、录音和广播的权利;关于在一切领域中因人的努力而产生的发明的权利;关于科学发现的权利;关于工业品式样的权利;关于商品商标、服务商标、厂商名称和标记的权利;关于制止不正当竞争的权利;以及在工业、科学、文学或艺术领域里一切其他来自智力活动的权利。#a#1#/a#第二,将知识产权定义为民事主体对智力劳动成果依法享有的专有权利。代表性的表述有:知识产权“指基于智力的创造性活动所产生的权利”;#a#2#/a#知识产权“是人们基于自己的智力活动创造的成果和经营管理活动中的经验、知识的结晶而依法享有的民事权利”;#a#3#/a#“知识产权是人们可以就其智力创造的成果所依法享有的专有权利”。#a#4#/a#第三,将知识产权定义为民事主体对智力成果和商业标志依法享有的权利。代表性的表述有:“知识产权是智力成果的创造人或工商业活动中的标记所有人依法所享有的权利的统称”;#a#5#/a#“知识产权是人们对于自己的智力活动创造的成果和经营管理活动中的标记、信誉依法享有的权利”;#a#6#/a#“知识产权是人们对‘知识’ 这种‘形’的排他的支配权,这种‘知识’包括智力成果(作品、发明)、工商业标记并会随着社会的发展而增加”。#a#7#/a#