

On the Performance Standard of Warranties and the Legal Consequence of Breach of Warranties in British and America Marine insurance Law



Abstract: Warranty system of marine insurance law originates from the practice of British marine insurance and is a special system of marine insurance law. It originated just because the insurers wanted to control their risks. But today with the development of marine insurance market, people find gradually that this system is harmful to the interests of the insured while protecting the insurer''s interests. Especially the strict performance principle has received extensive criticism. People think the strict performance principle is so severe that it causes the imbalance of distribution of interests between the insured and the insurer. This paper analysised the performance standard of warranties and the legal consequence of breach of warranties in British and America Marine insurance Law emphatically and on this basis put forward the rational performance standard and the rational legal consequence of breach of warranties.

  海上保险法中的保证是一项重要的制度,最早出现于17世纪三个不相关但相似的涉及“护航保证”的案件中(Jeffries v. Legandra1、Lethulier''s Case2 和Gordon v. Morley3 )。其产生最初是由于保险人想凭此控制海上风险。
  英国1906年海上保险法(以下简称MIA1906)Section 33(1)对保证定义如下:“下列各节与保证有关的规定中的保证为承诺性保证,也就是说被保险人凭此承担做或不做某些特定的事情,或履行某项条件的义务;或肯定或否定某些事实情况的存在。”这个定义很容易使人误解,似乎所有的保证都是承诺性保证,甚至对事实的陈述也构成承诺性保证。因此,这个定义是有缺陷的,因为它没有注意到这两种保证的区别,并错误地将所有的保证甚至确认性保证都归为承诺性保证。实际上,根据保证事项是否已确实存在,保证可以被分为确认性保证(或事实性保证)和承诺性保证(或持续性保证)。确认性保证是指被保险人对保单签发前过去或现在某些事实存在或不存在的保证。承诺性保证是指被保险人对在保险合同生效后及继续存在的期间内某些事项的存在或不存在以及做或不做某些事项的保证。4 有国内学者将保证定义如下:海上保险中的保证是指那些海上保险合同中以书面文字或通过法律规定的形式使被保险人承诺某一事实状态存在或不存在或持续存在或不存在,或者,承担履行某种行为或不行为的海上保险合同条款。5 笔者认为这一定义比较全面,既包括了明示保证和默示保证,也包括了确认性保证和承诺性保证。

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