
  11.1.3 any attempted or actual raising, removal or destruction of the wreck of the insured Vessel or the cargo thereof or any neglect or failure to raise, remove or destroy the same.
  The Underwriter will also pay, provided their prior written consent has been obtained,
  11. 2. 1 the legal costs incurred by the Assured or which the Assured may be compelled to pay in contesting liability or taking proceedings to limit liability
  11.2.1 the costs of representation at any coroner’s inquest or fatal accident enquiry.
  Should the Vessel hereby insured come into collision with or receive salvage services from another vessel belonging wholly or in part to the same Owners or under the same management, the Assured shall have the same rights under this insurance as they would have were the other vessel entirely the property of owners not interested in the Vessel hereby insured; but in such cases the liability for the collision or the amount payable for the services rendered shall be referred to as a sole arbitrator to be agreed upon between the Underwriters and the Assured.
   The provisions of this Clause 11 shall extend to any person navigating or in charge of the insured Vessel with the permission of the Assured named in this insurance ( other than a person operating, or employed by the operator of, a shipyard, marina, repair yard, slipway, yacht club, sales agency or similar organization) and who while so navigating or in charge of the Vessel shall consequence of any occurrence covered by this Clause 11 become liable to pay and shall pay any sum or sums to any person or persons, other than to the Assured named in this insurance, but indemnity under this Clause shall inure to the benefit of the Assured and only to a person navigating or in charge of the Vessel as described above, at the written request of and through the agency of the Assured. Nothing in this extension shall increase the Underwriters’ liability beyond the limitation of liability imposed by Clause 11.8 and this extension shall be subject to all other terms and warranties of this insurance.
  Nothing in this Clause 11.4 shall be deemed to override the provisions of Clause 3.2 above.
  This insurance also to pay the expenses, after deduction of the proceeds of the salvage, of the removal of the wreck of the insured Vessel from any place owned, leased or occupied by the Assured.
  Notwithstanding the provisions of this Clause 11 this insurance does not cover any liability cost or expense arising in respect of
  11.6.1 any direct or indirect payment by the Assured under workmen’s compensation or employers’ liability acts and any other statutory or common law liability in respect of accidents to or illness of workmen or any other persons employed in any capacity whatsoever by the Assured or by any persons to whom the protection of this insurance is afforded by reason of the provisions of Clause 11.4 above, in on or about or in connection with the Vessel hereby insured or her cargo, materials or repairs
  11.6.2 any boat belonging to the Vessel and having a maximum designed speed exceeding 17 knots, unless such boat is specially covered herein and subject also to the conditions of the Speedboat Clause 19 below, or is on the parent Vessel or laid up ashore
  11.6.3 any liability to or incurred by any person engaged in water skiing or aquaplaning, while being towed by the Vessel or preparing to be towed or after being towed until safely on board or ashore
  11.6.4 any liability to or incurred by any person engaged in a sport or activity, other than water skiing or aquaplaning, while being towed by the Vessel or preparing to be towed or after being towed until safely on board or ashore
  11. 6. 5 punitive or exemplary damages, however described.
   Should Clause 11.6.3 and /or Clause 11.6.4 above be deleted, the liabilities mentioned in such clause(s) shall be covered hereunder, subject always to the warranties, conditions and limits of this insurance.
  The liability of the Underwriters under this Clause 11, in respect of any one accident or series of accidents arising out of the same event, shall in no case exceed the sum stated for this purpose in the Schedule to the policy , but when the liability of the Assured has been contested with the consent in writing of the Underwriters, the Underwriters will also pay a like proportion of the costs which the Assured shall thereby incur or be compelled to pay.

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