The European Council. Competition Directorate General , European Commission ,通译为“委员会竞争总司”。 委员会竞争总司2005 年《竞争政策报告》(Competition Policy Report , 2005) 第265 页。 Dennis C. Mueller ,“Lessons from the United States’Antitrust History ,”International Journal of Industrial Organization , 14 , 1996 , p. 415 - 445. Ibid. European Commission. Case 6/ 72 Continential Can v. Commission ECR 215 ; C2333/ 94 Tetra Pak ECR I25951. Council Regulation (EC) No. 4046/ 89 of 21 December 1989 on the control of concentrations between undertakings , O. J . L 395 , 30. 12. 89. Council Regulation (EC) No. 139/ 2004 of 20 January 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings (the EC Merger Regulation) . Guidelines on the assessment of horizontal mergers under the Council Regulation on the control of concentrations between undertakings , Official Journal C 31 , 05. 02. 2004 , p. 5-18. DG COMPETITION Best Practices on the conduct of EC merger control 2004. Commission Regulation (EC) No. 802/ 2004 of 7 April 2004 implementing Council Regulation (EC) No. 139/ 2004 on the control of concentrations between undertakings. Commission notice on the definition of the Relevant Market for the purposes of Community competition law , Official Journal C 372 , 09. 12.1997 , p. 5. Commission notice on the concept of concentration under Council Regulation ( EEC) No 4064/ 89 on the control of concentrations between undertakings , Official Journal C 66 , 02. 03. 1998 , p. 5 - 13. Commission Notice on remedies acceptable under Council Regulation ( EEC) No. 4064/ 89 and under Commission Regulation ( EC) No. 447/ 98 ,Official Journal C 68 , 02. 03. 2001 ,p. 3. Ericsson/ Hewlett2Packard (Case IV/ M292) (1933) ; BP/ Mobil (Case IV/ M727) (1996) ; Sonera/ Vivendi/ Xfera (Case COMP/ ) . Elf Atochem/ Rhom & Haas (Case IV/ M 160) (1992) :合资企业的期限是99 年,提前解散的可能性很小,受严格的条件限制。Valinox/Timet (Case IV/ M917) (1997) : 99 年。 British Gas Trading Ltd/ Group Utility Services Ltd. (Case IV/ M791) (1996) . Generali/ Comit/ R. Flemings (Case IV/ M586) (1995) . British Airways/ TAT (Case IV/ M295) (1992) :6 年半。 BSN2Nestls/ Cokoladovny (Case IV/ M090) (1992) ; Saint Gobain/ Wacker Chemie/ Nom (Case IV/ M774) (1996) OJ L247/ 1 ;Smith & Nephew/ Beiersdorf/ JV (Case COMP/ JV54) (2001) . Voest Alpine Industrieanlagenbau/ Davy (Case IV/ M585) (1995) . 《委员会关于全功能合资企业概念的通知》 OJ C66/ 1 ,第14 点。 Elf Atochem/ Rutgers (Case IV/ M 442) (1994) ,与KLM/ Air UK(Case IV/ M967) (1997) 案中销售选择权的重要性形成对比。 在这种情况下,在决定集中的持续性时,母公司永久性地从市场上退出是考察此次交易所创立的新企业的长期性的一个相关因素。法律和经济因素都将考虑到。在1310/ 97 号条例(139/ 2004 条例的前身) 公布之前,这是确定母公司之间协调的可能性的关键标准,因此,在相关的情况下,也是确定一项集中的合作性质以及适用条约第81 条的标准。但在《委员会关于全功能合资企业概念的通知》 OJC66/ 1 中,这方面内容,至少从表面上,已经取消了。 事实上,最终相关的不是企业自身或他们所引起的企业的结构变化,而是影响市场结构的商业重组,尽管从逻辑上讲后一方面将在分析集中是否产生或加强市场支配地位时进行评估。 m| Tate & (14)le/ Amylum/ (Case COMP/ M2029) (2000) :一项申报的合并交易由于控制权没发生变化不构成集中。 Cummins/ Wartsila (Case IV/ M1015) (1997) ; The Coca2Cola Company/ Nestle/ JV (Case COMP/ M2276) (2001) . Meritor/ Arvin (Case COMP/ M1959) (2000) ; Ocean Group/ Exel (Case COMP/ M 1895) (2000) ; Glaxo Wellcome/ Smithkline Beeham (Case COMP/ M1846) (2000) ; Granada/ Compass (Case COMP/ , M1972) (2000) .