

Formation and Rise of the Principle of Protecting Private Interests


It is no doubt that the formation of private international law is based on the principle of sovereignty. Only if resist on the principle of sovereignty, can we treat domestic law and foreign law equally and bring birth to choice of law. But it does not mean that the principle of sovereignty is the only principle in private international law. The private international law based on the principle of sovereignty need to regulate the international civil and commercial relationship, promote the international civil and commercial intercourse, protect the private being’s interest in the intercourse. This is the real task of private international law and the only outlet of private international law walking out its theoretical dilemma, then , we can search for establishing the new system of the private international law. Therefore, when setting down the basic rule of the private international law, we must treat the principle of protecting private interests as the basic principle of private international law. 

  Formation and Rise of the Principle of Protecting Private Interests
   It is no doubt that the formation of private international law is based on the principle of sovereignty. Only if resist on the principle of sovereignty, can we treat domestic law and foreign law equally and bring birth to choice of law. But it does not mean that the principle of sovereignty is the only principle in private international law. The private international law based on the principle of sovereignty need to regulate the international civil and commercial relationship, promote the international civil and commercial intercourse, protect the private being’s interest in the intercourse. This is the real task of private international law and the only outlet of private international law walking out its theoretical dilemma, then , we can search for establishing the new system of the private international law. Therefore, when setting down the basic rule of the private international law, we must treat the principle of protecting private interests as the basic principle of private international law. 
  【关键词】 国际私法  主权原则  私人利益保护原则
  Key words:  private international law the principle of sovereignty the principle of protecting private interests
  早期的冲突法理论关注于地域性。法律代表的是国家权力的实施,选择法律被看作是一种在竞争的国家之间分配国家权力的机制。按照地域性原则,每一个管辖区有权力调整本领域内的人和事,但是,没有任何一个管辖区拥有权力调整其领域之外的人和事 。当争议涉及跨越多个管辖区的人、行为和事时,单单是地域性不足够决定适用法。在地域的可能性中间,为了选择调整管辖区一些辅助的原则是必要的。这样各种理论就以国家和国家主权为中心展开了对国际私法的合理性解释。
  19世纪末的许多学者实际上一致承认法律冲突构成国家之间的一种冲突,或者构成国家主权之间的一种冲突,因为这涉及到划分不同国家法律的各自适用范围的问题 ,并且,人们从中得出这样一种结论,即应该从国际公法中寻求解决法律冲突问题的原则,把这些原则建立在国家各自利益的基础上。
  这种观念的提出与当时的社会环境是密不可分的。19世纪,现代国家得到很大发展,主权观念强化,因此,人们认为,国际私法虽然调整的是一种国际性私法关系,但这并不意味着丝毫不涉及国家利益,而现实生活中之所以将私人利益置于首要位置,是因为基于国际私人贸易所要求的效益和公平解决冲突,必然符合相互依赖的国家共同利益,正如,国内民法通过私人利益实现一般利益一样。要想维护重大的政治利益(即每一个国家的共同利益),同样重要是决不能忽视这种利益。即外国法的适用得到承认受制于一国主权和国家利益。各种学术理论就是以此为出发点来分析构建法律选择规则 。如国际礼让说,既得权说等都认为,法律的冲突是主权的冲突,重要的是弄清本国的国家主权应该在什么范围内对外国的国家主权让步,容许适用该外国的法律。强调法律选择的国家和国家利益,强调主权原则,而完全不顾私人利益本身的保护。
  二、 国际私法理论对私人利益保护的关怀和张扬

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