[3]参见Vaughn (1994: 26, fn 21)的讨论及其所引述的资料。
[4]货币交换是语言的扩展的思想, Horwitz (1992)已经做过较为深入的探讨。
[5]下面的讨论参见Horwitz (1998a).
[6] 这种借由经验学习(learning-through-experience)过程,体现了这三位思想家所持的宽泛的经验主义观念。这一点在哈耶克 (1952)那儿尤其明显,他指出,我们的智力逻辑是我们与周围的世界互动的产物。哈耶克和斯密的认识论都非常Humean。
[7]参见Kukathas (1990) ,深入探讨了哈耶克调和休谟和康德的努力。
[8]哈耶克 (1988: 8)写道:"By ''reason properly used'' I mean reason that recognises its own limitations and, itself taught by reason, faces the implications of the astonishing fact, revealed by economics and biology, that order generated without design can far outstrip plans men consciously contrive."
[9] One might also consult the famous "chess-board" passage in The Theory of Moral Sentiments (斯密 1976 [1759]: 233-4).
[11]For an interpretation of the calculation debate stressing the role of money, see Horwitz (1998b).
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