APEC Concept Note
Please submit through APEC Secretariat Program Director. Concept notes of more than
3 pages
(including title page) or incomplete submissions will not be considered.
Project Title:
Source of funds (Select one): □Operational Account □TILF Special Account □ APEC Support Fund
Committee /
WG / Sub-fora / Task-force:
Proposing APEC economy:
Co-sponsoring economies:
Expected start date:
Expected completion date:
Project summary:
Describe the project
in under 150 words.
Your summary should include the project topic, planned activities,
timing and location:
(Summary must be no longer than the box provided. Cover sheet must fit on one page)
Total cost of proposal: (APEC funding
+ self-funding)
| Total amount being sought from APEC (USD):
By category: Travel: Labour costs:
Hosting: Publication & distribution: Other: