6.3 关于改革版权法律制度的建议
2008年7月,美英澳荷四国有关研究机构就版权法对数字资源保存的影响联合发布了一项研究报告。[77]该报告在论及澳大利亚的数字保存现状时指出,现行联邦版权法并不适应数字保存的需要,其理由主要有二:一是立法既未要求出版商向国家图书馆缴存数字出版物副本,亦未允许该馆可以不经版权人许可主动“收割”网络数字资源;二是立法者目前还未认识到为有效地实施数字保存就必须定期对数字藏品进行格式转换和多副本地复制,这些行为也未得到现行版权法的支持。因此,必须对现行版权法进行修改,以强制性的法律手段实现数字资源的缴存和元数据的合法采集。从技术上看,无论是数字资源的全面缴存还是有选择地收割网络发布的资料在今天都已不再是难事;而从法律上看,尽管还有很大难度,但公众对数字保存的目的多表认可,其在政治上的风险亦很小;在这方面,塔斯马尼亚的立法已经提供了一个成功的立法先例。既然如此,为何立法者仍然在数字保存问题上左顾右盼踟蹰不前呢?一个重要原因是其对图书馆的格式转换和多副本复制行为会在多大程度上对出版商的销售市场和版权人的利益产生影响尚无准确估计。为此报告建议,为了检验数字保存的影响程度,为了打消出版商和版权人的顾虑,政府不妨在这个问题上带个头,通过修法或者开放存取(open access)的形式先将由政府和公益性基金资助产生的数字作品交由国家图书馆复制保存并提供公众读取,用事实争取公众,说服出版商和版权人。当然,在具体的修法程序上应当先易后难、循序渐进,并充分顾及出版商和版权人的合法权益和合理诉求。
【注释】“数字技术”(Digital Technology)是一项与电子计算机相伴相生的科学技术, 它是指借助一定的设备将各种信息, 包括、图、文、声、像等,转化为电子计算机能识别的二进制数字“0”和“1”后进行运算、加工、存储、传送、传播、还原的技术。由于在运算、存储等环节中要借助计算机对信息进行编码、压缩、解码, 因此也称为数码技术、计算机技术等。-百度百科: 数字技术〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-03〕.
CD-ROMS in print: an international guide to CD-ROM, CD-1, 3DO, MMCD, CD32, multimedia & electronic products〔M〕. Detroit, MI: Gale Research. (国图藏书 2-2004\G255.75-62\C386/2004)
余敏. 2003-2004国际出版业状况及预测〔M〕. 北京: 中国书籍出版社, 2004: 24-25. (国图藏书2005\G239.1\3)
The International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) 〔EB/OL〕.〔2009-01-24〕.
中国电子图书发展趋势报告(2007)〔R/OL〕. 〔2009-01-24〕.
http://news.du8.com/html/01/n-56501.html; 中国电子图书发展趋势报告(2008)〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-24〕.
Ulrich''s Statistics〔DB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-24〕.
Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR) 〔DB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-24〕.
Directory of Open Access Journals〔DB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-24〕.
2006年中国博客调查报告〔R/OL〕. 〔2009-01-24〕.
第23次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告(2009 年1 月)〔R/OL〕.〔2009-01-27〕.
January 2009 Web Server Survey〔R/OL〕.〔2009-01-27〕.
WWW FAQs: How many websites are there? 〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-27〕.
Ingeborg Verheul. Networking for Digital Preservation: current practice in 15 national libraries〔DB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-24〕.
但已有一些地方立法将数字资源纳入法定缴存范围, 参见塔斯马尼亚州《1984年图书馆法》第22条、北领地《2004年出版物 (法定缴存) 法》第3、13条。特别是后者, 明确将互联网出版物纳入缴存范围, 这在目前各国立法中并不多见。—作者注.
PANDORA Statistics. PANDORA archive size and monthly growth, Statistics as at 16 December 2008〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-06〕.
Selection Guidelines〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-06〕.
Online Australian Publications: Selection Guidelines for Archiving and Preservation by the National Library of Australia〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-06〕.
Paul Koerbin, Manager Web Archiving, National Library of Australia. The Australian web domain harvests: a
preliminary quantitative analysis of the archive data〔R/OL〕.2008〔2009-01-10〕.
The Web Robots Pages〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-10〕.
State Library of Tasmania. Our Digital Island〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-10〕.
State Library of Tasmania. Stable Tasmanian Open Repository Service〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-10〕.
Preserving Access to Digital Information, About PADI〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-22〕.
Australian Research Repositories Online to the World〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-22〕.
ARROW Discovery Service〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-22〕.
Copyright Act 1968〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-10〕.
SECT 40. Fair dealing for purpose of research or study; SECT 103C. Fair dealing for purpose of research or study. 同上注. 公平处理与合理使用尚有一些差别, 前者通常仅适用于法律特指的几种行为, 且在认定该行为时法庭选择权很小; 而后者适用的范围较宽泛, 如我国《著作权法》规定的合理使用情形多达12项, 且在司法实践中法官对合理使用的认定拥有较大的自由裁量权。-作者注.
43C. Reproducing works in books, newspapers and periodical publications in different form for private use. 47J. Reproducing photograph in different format for private use. 109A. Copying sound recordings for private and domestic use. 110AA. Copying cinematograph film in different format for private use.-同注25.
Emily Hudson. Without Walls: Copyright Law and Digital Collections in Australian Cultural Institutions〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-13〕.
Division 5--Copying of works in libraries or archives. PART III--COPYRIGHT IN ORIGINAL LITERARY, DRAMATIC, MUSICAL AND ARTISTIC WORKS. -同注25.
SECT 10 Interpretation. -同注25.
"library" means a library all or part of whose collection is accessible to members of the public directly or through interlibrary loans.- SECT 49. Reproducing and communicating works by libraries and archives for users.-同注25.
SECT 51A. Reproducing and communicating works for preservation and other purposes, (1). -同注25.
SECT 51A. Reproducing and communicating works for preservation and other purposes, (4). -同注25.
SECT 51A. Reproducing and communicating works for preservation and other purposes, (3B). -同注25.
Copyright Amendment Act 2006, No. 158, 2006, An Act to amend the Copyright Act 1968, and for
related purposes〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-14〕.
http://www.comlaw.gov.au/ComLaw/Legislation/Act1.nsf/0/DB5FFC818D612274CA25750F00190DEB/$file/1582006.pdfKey cultural institutions are deemed, for the purposes of the provisions, as those libraries and archives that have a statutory function of developing and maintaining a collection (e.g. the National Library of Australia, State Library of Victoria).- PRESCRIPTION AS A KEY CULTURAL INSTITUTION UNDER THE COPYIGHT ACT 1968〔EB/OL〕.〔2009-01-14〕.
SECT 51B. Making preservation copies of significant works in key cultural institutions'' collections, (2, 3). -同注25.
SECT 51B. Making preservation copies of significant works in key cultural institutions'' collections, (4). -同注25.
SECT 51B. Making preservation copies of significant works in key cultural institutions'' collections, (5). -同注25.
SECT 200AB. Use of works and other subject-matter for certain purposes.-同注25.
“三步测试法”是国际版权公约规定的判断某一版权使用行为是否构成合理使用一般原则的国际标准。这三步分别是, 第一步:限制和例外应该限于“特定的特殊情形”;第二步:不与作品的正常使用相冲突;第三步:“没有不合理地损害权利人的正当利益”。参见伯尔尼公约第9条、与贸易有关的知识产权协定第13条、世界知识产权组织版权条约第9条.另,详细内容可参考朱理所撰《后TRIPS时代版权限制和例外的国际标准》一文(载于《世界知识产权》2006第一期).-作者注.
(2) This subsection covers a use that: (a) is made by or on behalf of the body administering a library or archives; and (b)is made for the purpose of maintaining or operating the library or archives (including operating the library or archives to provide services of a kind usually provided by a library or archives); and (c)is not made partly for the purpose of the body obtaining a commercial advantage or profit.- SECT 200AB. Use of works and other subject-matter for certain purposes, (2)-同注25.
SECT 200AB. Use of works and other subject-matter for certain purposes, (1)-同注25.
Subdivision A--Technological protection measures: 116AK – 116AQ; 132APC-132APE.-同注25.
SECT 116AN. Circumventing an access control technological protection measure(2); SECT 132APC. Circumventing an access control technological protection measure(2). -同注25.
SECT 116AN. Circumventing an access control technological protection measure(3); SECT 132APC. Circumventing an access control technological protection measure(3). -同注25.
SECT 116AN. Circumventing an access control technological protection measure(5); SECT 132APC. Circumventing an access control technological protection measure(5). -同注25.
SECT 116AN. Circumventing an access control technological protection measure(8); -同注25.
SECT 132APC. Circumventing an access control technological protection measure(8). -同注25.
SECT 132APD. Manufacturing etc. a circumvention device for a technological protection measure (7). -同注25.
SECT 132APE. Providing etc. a circumvention service for a technological protection measure(7) -同注25.
“library material”means a book, periodical, newspaper, pamphlet, sheet of letter-press, sheet of music, map, plan, chart or table, being a literary, dramatic, musical or artistic work or an edition of such a work, but does not include a second or later edition of any material unless that edition contains additions or alterations in the letter-press or in the illustrations.- SECT 201. Delivery of library material to the National Library, (5) -同注25.
SECT 201. Delivery of library material to the National Library, (1) -同注25.
各州有关出版物法定缴存条款参见: New South Wales Copyright Act 1879-1952, ss 5-7; Northern Territory Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004 ss7-11; Queensland: Libraries Act 1988, ss68-73; South Australia Libraries Act 1982, s35; Tasmania Libraries Act 1984, s22; Victoria Libraries Act 1988, s49; Western Australia Copyright Act 1895, ss4,7-9.- Legal deposit in Australia〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-16〕.
Tasmania Libraries Act 1984〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-16〕.
(1) The publisher of every book published in the State shall, within one month after the publication of that book, deliver at his own expense a copy of that book to the Secretary.-SECT 22. Certain books to be delivered to Secretary, (1).-同上注.
Publications (Legal Deposit) Act 2004〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-16〕.
"document" means a document in any form and includes –(a) any writing on any material (for example – books, newspapers, magazines, periodicals, reports, newsletters, calendars, directories, handbooks, guides, sheet music, maps and pamphlets); (b) information recorded or stored by means of a recording device, computer or other electronic device, or any other device, and material subsequently derived from information so recorded or stored (for example – audio cassettes, videocassettes, films, multimedia kits, computer magnetic tape, computer optical discs, floppy discs, compact discs, CDROMs, DVDs, websites and PDF files); and (c) a later edition of a document referred to in paragraph (a)or (b).-4. definitions. -同上注.
"publication" means a document –(b)of which one or more copies are –(i) issued to the public; (ii)available to the public upon request; or(iii)available to the public on the Internet (whether or not there is any restriction on members of the public accessing or using the document). -同注58.
"electronic document" means a document in which information is stored or displayed by means of an electronic recording device, computer or other electronic medium; -同注58.
5 Internet publication. (1)An Internet publication is an electronic document that is published on the Internet, whether or not there is any restriction on members of the public accessing or using the document, and includes the whole or part of a website. (2)An Internet publication is the document for the time being and if that document is changed in any significant respect it becomes a new publication. -同注58.
13 Internet publications. (1)The publisher of an Internet publication for which no printed version is published must, within 2 months after the publication is first published, advise the CEO of the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the publication on the publisher''s website. (2)The CEO may, for preserving the Territory''s published documentary heritage, copy an Internet publication and, if it changes, may take further copies of the publication from time to time as the CEO considers appropriate. (3)If an Internet publication is protected by technical means from being copied, the publisher must provide the CEO with –(a)an electronic copy of the publication (whenever requested); or (b)the means to capture an identical copy of the publication (from time to time, if appropriate) from the Internet. -同注58.
CEO may make copies of publications:(1)For preserving the Territory''s published documentary heritage, the CEO may keep, copy, store in electronic form (whether off-line or on-line) and use any copy of a deposited document. (2)If a deposited document is made publicly available on the Internet by the publisher without restriction on its access or use by members of the public, the CEO may make the document available for access and use by members of the public on the Internet. (3)If a deposited document is not publicly available on the Internet, the CEO must not, except with the publisher''s agreement, make the document available on the Internet. (4) In this section –"deposited document" means a publication of which one or more copies have been given to, or made by, the CEO under this Act. -同注58.
2001年4月, 联邦司法部长要求版权法评估委员会就版权法和合同之间的关系问题进行调查并提交报告。2002年10月, 司法部发表了该委员会提交的题为《版权与合同》的报告。该报告首先考察了在数字环境下通过合同设置的条款和条件读取和利用版权资料的途径, 并就此观察版权法建立的版权利益平衡的效果, 特别是对版权人专有权利的例外规定的效果; 报告尔后就是否应当以合同方法取代在立法中设定的例外条款以及取代的可能性进行了讨论。-作者注. Copyright Law Review Committee. Copyright and Contract 2002〔R/OL〕. 〔2009-01-19〕.
7.49 The Committee recommends that the Copyright Act be amended to provide that an agreement, or a provision of an agreement, that excludes or modifies, or has the effect of excluding or modifying, the operation of ss. 40, 41, 42, 43, 43A, 48A, 49, 50, 51, 51AA, 51A, 52, 103A, 103B, 103C, 104, 110A, 110B, 111A of the Act, has no effect.- Chapter Two—Executive Summary, p10.-同上注.
Copyright Amendment (Digital Agenda) Act 2000. 〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-21〕.
Review of Digital Agenda Act reforms - April 2003〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-21〕.
Phillips Fox. Digital Agenda Review, Report and recommendations, January 2004 〔R/OL〕. 〔2009-01-21〕.
1. a copy under section 49 or 50 can be made from a preservation copy of a fragile work; 2. there is a distinction between different editions of works in determining whether a preservation copy can be made.-同上注, 第67页.
sections 49 and 50 be amended so as to allow low resolution reproductions of the whole of an artistic work to be copied and communicated, without infringing copyright. -同注69, 第70页.
the effects of digital copying by libraries and archives, and the extent to which those copies are further copied or communicated, is re-assessed and, if necessary, amendments considered. -同注69, 第69页.
That the permitted purposes in section 116A (3) be amended so as to clearly allow any supply or use of a circumvention device or service for any use or exception allowed under the Act, including fair dealing and access to a legitimately acquired non-pirated product. That section 116A(1) be amended so as to prohibit the use, including commercial and personal use, of a circumvention device or service to circumvent a TPM, other than for a permitted purpose. That section 135ANA be amended so as to prohibit the personal use of a broadcast decoding device other than for a permitted purpose, being the same permitted purposes listed in section 116A(3). -同注69, 第107页.
Digital Agenda Review - Government responses to Phillips Fox recommendations and related matters, 2006〔EB/OL〕. 〔2009-01-22〕.
Fair Use Review〔EB/OL〕. Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department, 2005 〔2009-01-22〕.
Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department. Fair Use and Other Copyright Exceptions: An examination of fair use, fair dealing and other exceptions in the Digital Age〔R/OL〕. 2005 〔2009-01-22〕.
The International Study on the Impact of Copyright Law on Digital Preservation〔R/OL〕.〔2009-01-25〕.