事实上,早在1992年美国政府就首次以法律的形式公布了国家能源政策,这也使得2005能源政策法有一个可供参考的蓝本。但是美国还是需要一部面向21世纪的能源法,因为1992年后的十多年间,美国并没有能源政策法,正如布什总统在签署法案讲话上说的那样:“For more than a decade, America has gone without a national energy policy.”
Pete Domenici和Joe Barton在美国能源政策法的起草过程中起了主导作用。法律起草完成以后分别经过了众、参两院的通过。[2]
Apr 21, 2005: This bill passed in the House of Representatives by roll call vote. (Roll 132.) The totals were: 249 Ayes, 183 Nays, 3 Present/Not Voting.(2005年4月21日,本法案在众议院获得通过。)
Jun 28, 2005: This bill passed in the Senate by roll call vote. (Roll 158.) The totals were: 85 Ayes, 12 Nays, 3 Present/Not Voting.(2005年6月28日,本法案在参议院获得通过。)
Jul 28, 2005: After passing both the Senate and House, a conference committee is created to work out differences between the Senate and House versions of the bill. A conference report resolving those differences passed in the House of Representatives, paving the way for enactment of the bill, by roll call vote. (Roll 445.) The totals were: 275 Ayes, 156 Nays, 3 Present/Not Voting.(2005年7月28日,解决参、众两院分歧的报告在众议院获得通过。)
Jul 29, 2005: After passing both the Senate and House, a conference committee is created to work out differences between the Senate and House versions of the bill. A conference report resolving those differences passed in the Senate, paving the way for enactment of the bill, by roll call vote. (Roll 213.) The totals were: 74 Ayes, 26 Nays, 0 Present/Not Voting.(2005年7月29日,解决参、众两院分歧的报告在参议院获得通过。)
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