peer to peer (p2p对等网络)知识产权问题浅析

  [12] 模仿“DeCSS”的很多软件已经在网上广泛传播。
  [13] 代表电影公司、唱片公司和音乐出版商的三个工业协会对Scour公司提起了版权侵权诉讼。美国电影协会主席Jack Valenti认为Scour是电影界的Napster。
  [14] 以下是该案中RIAA对被告“侵权”行为的描述:Using the Aimster software, users connect to Aimster''s servers and choose which files to make available for downloading. Users who are not careful run the risk of exposing their entire hard drive to the Aimster community. Aimster - which continuously monitors the activities of all of its users, including when they log on and off - maintains a central server which Aimster users can query to find whatever music, movies, pictures or software they want. With the push of one button, users then can download any file they want. Aimster claims that because of encryption they are unaware of any copyright infringement occurring on their service. Aimster has ample knowledge of the infringements occurring on their system. Their own website promotes their system as "Napster-like," clearly indicating their desire to capitalize on infringing use. Numerous news reports have been written about the infringement occurring on the system; Aimster''s own President, John Deep, has touted the vast infringements taking place on the Aimster system; and Aimster maintains bulletin board forums that repeatedly refer to infringing conduct taking place on their system. As well, Aimster has been notified several times concerning their infringing activities. In early April, RIAA notified Aimster in writing. RIAA also provided them with an electronic list of more than 500,000 sound recordings their members owned or controlled and asked that those works be blocked from the Aimster system. Aimster refused. A month later, RIAA provided further written notice of infringement, this time with specific examples. http://www.riaa.com/news/filings/aimster_faq.asp, 2004-5-14.
  [15] 《伯尔尼公约》(以1971年巴黎文本为例)中和“私人复制”相关的规定仅仅体现在第五条。该条规定:“本联盟成员国法律得允许在某些特殊情况下复制……作品,只要这种复制不损害作品的正常使用,也不致于无故损害作者的合法利益。”但是这并不形成对“私人复制”的明确规定。否则成员国版权法应当依据该公约的规定保护私人复制了。事实上,私人复制“不受国家版权法的管辖”。见:埃梅里,音像作品(包括电影)的法律保护,南京版权培训班版权讲义第八讲,国家版权局翻印,1985年11月,第13页。但是,埃梅里的讲话发表之前,匈牙利已经开始在版权法之外制定新规范来管理私人复制问题了。世界上关于私人录制问题的最早法令是该国1982年11月20日颁布的第25号法令。它规定对唱片和音像制品的原始材料(磁带)征收8%的版税。为了商业目的生产磁带 的唱片和音像制品者不需支付这项版税。就唱片而言,上述版税的50%给作者和作曲者,30%给表演者,20%给唱片制作者。对于音像制品,70%给版权所有者,30%给表演者。此后,欧洲各国纷纷开证“私人复制税”。在国际上,“关于个人擅自复制录音、广播和文字作品问题的专家小组”(1984年)建议联合国教科文组织和世界知识产权组织继续研究为个人目的录音复制对作者权利利和邻接权的影响,并为版权和邻接权的有关保护准备带有注释的原则条款。(同埃梅里讲话,第15页。)但是目前为止,尚不存在规范“私人复制”问题的国际立法。我们认为,合理使用制度的基本内涵包括:自由使用(不需要获得授权)、免费使用(不需要支付版税)。私人使用是为了私人使用目的,用户对自己的合法权利所控制的瞬时传播的版权材料、对先前复制品进行的非商业复制。我们认为免费的私人使用还是合理使用的一部分。负担“私人复制税”的那部分私人使用则不属于“合理使用”。这部分私人使用虽然是自由使用,但是应当负担版税。本文讨论的就是这类私人使用。
  [16] 中国2001年《著作权法》第22条第1款规定为个人学习、研究或者欣赏,使用他人已经发表的作品,可以不经著作权人许可,不向其支付报酬,但应当指明作者姓名、作品名称,并且不得侵犯著作权人依照本法享有的其他权利。按照该规定,P2P文件交换活动在中国是完全合法的。
  [17] See HRRC''S Executive Summary of the OTA Report, http://www.hrrc.org/html/otasum.html, 2004-5-14.
  [18] 关于Gnutella的知识可以参见如下网址:http://www.gnutellanews.com/information/what_is_gnutella.shtml, 2001-11-14.
  [19] 使用该技术的公司还有AOL、Microsoft /windows、Linux、Mac、Intel、ARM、QNX等。
  [20] 2001年6月,独立音乐公司同盟、英国独立音乐同盟(AIM)和Napster签订了全球范围的版权许可合同。AIM成员的产品占有英国唱片市场的25%。该合同还包括了全欧洲成百上千家独立音乐公司,其中就有Moby所在的公司。他的唱片曾经获得英国2000年唱片销售榜的第一名。合同涵盖的公司生产的唱片实际上占据了英国2000年唱片销售榜前6位中的4位。上文讲到Metallica也已经宣布加入Napster的会员服务了。该公司每年在全世界的唱片销售达到了8000多万张,其中在北美就有4500多万张。其他加入Napster会员服务系统的还有全国音乐出版商联盟(NMPA)、[20]Edel Music、TVT唱片公司等。
  [21] 新服务的内容包括:Listen to 30-second clips of all songs in the music catalog. Choose what music they want to own, paying only $.99 per song and $9.95 per album. Enjoy fast and easy CD burning with a drag-and-drop functionality. Get detailed artist and album information. Create play lists. View music videos. Search for music by genre, artist, track title or popularity. Access over 4 decades of Billboard chart information. Quickly and easily transfer music to an integrated portable device or a wide variety of other popular devices. Discover and rediscover music through a powerful recommendation engine. Opt out of music with Parental Advisory Labels. Integrate tracks from Napster with existing MP3 collection. A personal inbox for music and messages. The ability to send music to friends both within and outside of the service. The ability to browse other members’ music collections. See www.napster.com, 2004-5-14.

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