Main right theory of the western natural law School is understood
Main right theory of the western natural law School is understood
Zheng Han Nian Zhang Qung
[School of law, Nanjing University, Jiangsu 210093 , Chain]
Abstract : The natural law theory is an origin of all law philosophy schools in the west, is the value law school, the development history of natural law science is the development history of a human right idea. Original , " talent " right is right idea of natural law school, naturally, people''s right comes from naturally too in life. The development of the right view of natural law science is divided into three stages, and each have its characteristics: The right view of natural law science is based on justice in ancient times and Middle Ages, modern natural right of law science view taking freedom as the core, modern natural right of law science view with equal for intension. Here, we regard right theory of the main representative figure of natural law school as the base-line, analyze J Locke , Rousseau , Rawls and Dworkin right theory briefly .
Keyword: Natural law school, Right theory, School , Commentary
当代美国著名法理学家罗纳德·德沃金(Ronald Working 1931──)在《认真对待权利》(1977)中建立了以“平等关怀和尊重”为核心的权利论。其后又发表了《一个原则问题》(1985)、《法律的帝国》(1986)、《生命问题──论堕胎、安乐死和个人自由》(1993)和《对美国宪法的伦理解读》(1996)等四部著作,还发表了大量的论文。德沃金认为,公民并不仅仅享有法律之内的权利,还享有法律权利之外的道德权利,其中之一就是反对政府的权利。在受自由平等观支配的社会里,政府必须认真地看待权利,以平等地关心和尊重每一个公民。德沃金从提出“我们有什么权利?”开始,德沃金是在与功利对立的意义上使用“权利”一词的,即如果某人对某事有某种权利,那么,政府即便为集体利益也不能否定这种权利,在德沃看来,“在对个人希望有或希望做的事情上,集体目标已不足以成为否认的理由时,或对个人所加的损失或伤害上,集体目标也不足以成为支持的理由时,个人就有权利。” [ 20]德沃金在这里所讲的个人权利,不仅是指法律上规定的权利,而且是指道德上的权利;有时他所讲的政治权利也是指道德权利。