且不说其中“new”, “useful”本身就是语义边界模糊词语,单说“improvement”还有一个高低与程度的问题。。
3.3 语言自身的特点
有学者认为模糊性表现在立法语言的诸多方面、诸多层次,如:词汇、语法、概念、逻辑等(杜金榜,2001)。其中词汇层次的模糊性最为明显,其以英国诽谤法(Article 4 in Libel Act 1843)为例:
(1) for any term not exceeding two years, and to pay such fine as the court shall award
(2) The phrase ‘place of residence’ shall include the street, square, or place where the person to whom it refers shall reside……( 报纸诽谤和注册法1881第一款)
刑法(Criminal Code Act 1995)Sect 5.2规定:“A person has intention with respect to a circumstance if he or she knows that it exists or will exist.” “know(知道)”这个词,尽管有法定的定义,仍然有较大的模糊性,这个“know(知道)”的概念,是当事人自己承认“知道”,是证据证明其“知道”,还是法官认为其“知道”,这里并无明确表达。。
句子也是模糊性表达的手段之一, 澳大利亚
刑法 (Criminal Code Act 1995)Sect 73.1规定对犯有走私人口罪(Offence of people smuggling)的首要分子可以判处以下刑罚: “A person (the first person) is guilty of an offence if:……Penalty: Imprisonment for 10 years or 1,000 penalty units, or both. 例中使用“or”并列三种任选的情况,属于句子层次的模糊性。。
逻辑结构层次也存在模糊性,请看下例:1886年9月9日于瑞士伯尔尼签定的《伯尔尼保护文学和艺术作品公约》(Berne Convention For the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works of September 9, 1886)第2条第8款规定: “Works protected in the country of origin solely as designs and models shall be entitled in another country of the Union only to such special protection as is granted in that country to designs and models; however, if no such special protection is granted in that country, such works shall be protected as artistic works.”(在起源国仅仅作为平面与立体设计受到保护的作品,在本同盟其他成员国只享受各该国给予平面和立体设计的那种专门保护;但如在该国并不给予这种专门保护,则这些作品将作为艺术作品得到保护。)例中作品是否受到special protection(专门保护)的权限依赖于它在起源国的保护状况,而它与起源国之间的关系通过逻辑结构表达出来,具有很大的相对性、模糊性。逻辑结构是法律和法律语言的支柱,逻辑结构的模糊性一方面是法律活动的重要策略,另一方面又是法律解释和司法活动力图减低或消除的对象。(杜金榜,2001)