1998年5月底湖南化工研究院卖给Vijayalakshmi Insecticides and Pesticides Ltd 一批总价款为CIF CHENNAT106200美元的化工物品,并作为托运人向安通托运75桶该货物,从长沙经香港运至目的地印度的Madras(Chennai).该批货于6月6日用火车运抵香港,6月13日,DSR-Senator Lines GMBH 签发托运人为安通从香港至Madras的海运记名提单。6月14日安通签发托运人为湖南化工的凭通知人指示的多式联运指示提单。(两份提单均批注:Shipper’s Load and Count)7月1日货物运抵Chennai.7月11日货经陆运至检验地点.收货人声称短少15桶。
检验报告表明:Applicant state by Container Corporation of India Ltd. Labourers in presence of container Corporation of India Ltd. Surveyor.; Applicant state Carrier refused to accept claim on shortage due to shipper’s Load and Court.; The applicant stated that the original seal of the container was intact, before it was removed for Customs inspection by Container Corporation of India Limited, Labourers; At the time of survey the applicant stated that the original seal of the container was intact , when it was transported from Chennai Harbour to Container Corporation of India Ltd. Chennai on 12th July 1998. The seal of the container also intact when it was opened on 21st July 1998 at Container Corporation of India Ltd. for Customs Inspection; we are of the opinion that the drums were short shipped.
提单、保险单均经过卖方背书,其中提单分别经过卖方、The Karur Vysya Bank Ltd./Vuayalakshmi Insecticides & Pesticides Limited背书。据称现正本提单及正本保险单均已转回到卖方手中。