第二十一条 原产地证书被盗、遗失或者损毁,并且未经使用的,进口货物收货人或者其代理人可以要求该进口货物的出口人凭原产地证书第四副本向受惠国原签证机构书面申请在原证书正本有效期内签发经核准的原产地证书副本。该副本应当在备注栏注明“原产地证书正本(编号_____日期_____)经核准的真实副本”字样。经核准的原产地证书副本向海关提交后,原产地证书正本失效。
第二十二条 具有下列情形之一的,进口货物不适用特惠税率:
第二十三条 海关对依照本办法规定获得的商业秘密依法负有保密义务。未经进口货物收货人同意,海关不得泄露或者用于其他用途,但是法律、行政法规及相关司法解释另有规定的除外。
第二十四条 违反本办法,构成走私行为、违反海关监管规定行为或者其他违反《
第二十五条 本办法下列用语的含义:
第二十六条 本办法由海关总署负责解释。
第二十七条 本办法自2010年7月1日起施行。
附件:原产地证书格式以及填制说明 Original
1. Exporter (full name, address and country):
| Certificate No.:
Granted by China
(Combined Declaration and Certificate)
Issued in_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( See Instruction Overleaf )
2. Producer’s name and address, if known:
3. Consignee (full name, address and country):
For official use only:
4. Means of transport and route (as far as known)
Departure date
Vessel /Flight/Train/Vehicle No.
Port of loading
Port of discharge
6.Item number
| 7.Marks and numbers on packages
| 8.Number and kind of packages; Description of goods
| 9. HS Code (6-digit)
| 10. Origin Criterion
| 11. Gross weight, quantity (quantity unit) or other measures (litres, m3,etc)
| 12. Number, date of
invoice and
invoiced value
13. Declaration by the exporter
The undersigned hereby declares that the above
details and statements are correct, that all the goods were produced in
and that they comply with the origin requirements
specified for these goods under the Duty-Free Treatment exported to China.
Place and date, signature of authority signatory.
| 14.Certification
It is hereby certified, on the
basis of control carried out,
that the declaration by the
exporter is correct.
Place and date, signature and stamp of issuing body.
| 15. Customs verification
This is to certify that the goods declared for exportation correspond to what is stated under this certificate
Place, date, signature and stamp of exporting customs authority.