刑法的主导影响,因为,如果侵权人的过错问题和其它责任构成要件尚未在刑事诉讼程序中明确,则民事审判庭的法官不得作出任何关于侵权责任的决定。这就证明了前述结论。刑事审判庭法官在此问题上的优先权可以用一句言简意赅的格言来描述,即“刑事裁决优于民事裁决,即同一案件的刑事部分优先审理,民事部分要等待刑事部分的结果”(le criminel tient le civil en l‘état)。[40]刑事裁决一旦生效,其不但对控诉方与犯罪人之间的关系具有约束力,而且对犯罪人与作为刑事控告程序主体的受害人之间的关系具有约束力;刑事裁决对既判案件享有绝对的效力(autorité absolute de chose jugée)。[41]
综上所述,大陆法系的不法行为法与英国侵权行为法实际上远比普遍认为的更相近,二者之间没有不可逾越的障碍和差别。一方面,过失侵权在普通法中不断扩张,并逐步形成了关于因疏忽侵犯他人权利的一般条款,由此,法律明确规定的各种故意侵权行为正在逐渐消逝。另一方面,法国法的经验清楚地表明,侵权法仍需坚持一定程度的具体化、个案化和差异化理念(concreteness,casuistry,and differentiation)。这一目标是通过允许作为私法的侵权法反映刑法典中的犯罪行为来实现。在这一点上,与法国法或者西班牙法律相比,普通法构造得更为简单,因为其不用在刑法和民事责任之间建立紧密的联系。例如,与法国刑法典中关于保护人格实体利益的特殊侵权行为的规范相比,普通法中关于各种具体人身侵权行为的制度设计就显得相当概括。
【德】格哈特·瓦格纳(Gerhard Wagner),德国波恩大学法学院教授,波恩大学“德国与欧洲私法和诉讼法、国际私法与比较法教席”主持人;(译)高圣平,中国人民大学法学院副教授,中国人民大学民商事法律科学研究中心专职研究人员;(译)熊丙万,中国人民大学法学院民商法专业2008级博士研究生。
【注释】 André Tunc (ed), International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law (vol XI, 1971–81).
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council:A more coherent European Contract Law—An action plan,COM(2003)68final,2.
参见Gerhard Wagner, ‘The Project of Harmonizing European Tort Law’, in Helmut Koziol and Barbara C. Steininger (eds), European Tort Law 2004 (2005).
Walter van Gerven, Jeremy Lever, and Pierre Larouche, Cases, Materials and Text on National, Supranational and International Tort Law (2000); Christian von Bar, Gemeineuropäisches Deliktsrecht (vol I,1996; vol II, 1999); 英译本: The Common European Law of Torts (vol I, 1998/2003; vol II,200).
European Group on Tort Law, Principles of European Tort Law (2005); 前期预备性成果有: Jaap Spier (ed), The Limits of Liability. Keeping the Floodgates Shut (1996);同前, The Limits of Expanding Liability (1998); 同前, Unification of Tort Law: Causation (2000);同前, Unification of Tort Law: Liability for Damage Caused by Others (2003); Helmut Koziol (ed), Unification of Tort Law: Wrongfulness (1998); Ulrich Magnus (ed), Unification of Tort Law: Damages (2001); Bernhard Koch and Helmut Koziol (eds), Unification of Tort Law: Strict Liability (2002); Ulrich Magnus and Miquel-Martín Casals (eds), Unification of Tort Law: Contributory Negligence (2004); Horton Rogers (ed), Unification of Tort Law: Multiple Tortfeasors (2004); Pierre Widmer (ed), Unification of Tort Law: Fault (2004).
Ronald Dworkin, ‘The Model of Rules’, (1967)35 University of Chicago LR14 ff =Taking Rights Seriously(1978 ), 15 ff. 这种对比显得有些牵强,因为,原则受制于最优条件选择,而不同于诸如《法国民法典》第1382条、1383条之类的原则型条款。
cf John Antony Weir, in Pierre Catala and John Antony Weir, ‘Delict and Torts: A Study in Parallel’, (1965)39 Tulane LR 701 ff, 781.
cf Andrew S. Burrows, in John Frederic Clerk and William Henry Barber Lindsell (eds), Clerk & Lindsell on Torts (18th edn, 2000), para 29-04.
Jacques Flour, Jean-Luc Albert, and Éric Savaux, Les Obligations, vol II—Le fait juridique(10th edn, 2003), nos. 110 ff.
Pierre Catala and John Antony Weir, ‘Delict and Torts: A Study in Parallel’, (1963) 37 Tulane LR 573 ff, 605.*罗马法中针对公共道路周围居民随意抛洒或者乱扔物品导致其他行人受到损害的情况也规定了无过错的严格责任( actio de deiectis vel effusis)——译注
Reinhard Zimmermann, The Law of Obligations: Roman Foundations of the Civilian Tradition (平装本, 1996年版),922 ff.
参见Franz Wieacker, A History of Private Law in Europe (trans Tony Weir, 1995), 199; 详见Reinhard Zimmermann, ‘Christian Thomasius, the Reception of Roman Law and the History of the Lex Aquilia’, in Margaret Hewett and Reinhard Zimmermann (eds), Larva Legis Aquiliae (2000), 49 ff, 60ff.
Catala and Weir, (1963) 37 Tulane LR; Henri and Léon Mazeaud and André Tunc, Traité theorique et pratique de la responsabilité civile (vol I, 6th edn, 1965), no. 36.
Jean Domat, Les loix civiles dans leur ordre naturel (1777), liv III, tit V; Mazeaud and Tunc (n 14), no. 36.
Jan Schröder, ‘Die zivilrechtliche Haftung für schuldhafte Schadenszufügung im deutschen Usus modernus’, in Leticia Vacca (ed), La responsilità civile da atto illecito nella prospettiva storicocomparatistica (1995), 144, 147ff.
Franz Philipp von Kübel, ‘Unerlaubte Handlungen’, in Werner Schubert (ed), Die Vorlagen derRedaktoren für die erste Kommission zur Ausarbeitung eines Entwurfs eines Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches,Recht der chuldverhältnisse (vol I,1980), 659ff.
Motive zu dem Entwurfe eines Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuchs (vol II, 1896), 724.
Protokolle der Kommission für die zweite Lesung des Entwurfs eines bürgerlichen Gesetzbuchs(vol II, 1898), 571.
Zimmermann (n12), 913; Catala and Weir, (1963) 37Tulane LR 583; Frederick Pollock and William Maitland, History of English Law before the Time of Edward I (vol II, 2nd edn, 1968), 558.
John G. Fleming, The Law of Torts (9th edn,1998), 21; for more details cf David Ibbetson, A Historical Introduction to the Law of Obligations (1999), 39ff.
* 间接侵权之诉(trespass on the case),其是普通法的侵权诉讼形式之一。原来的侵权之诉(action of trespass)只给由侵权行为造成的直接侵害提供救济,而间接损害就得不到赔偿。间接侵害之诉是后来发展起来的一种诉讼,指一方的侵害行为与另一方的损失或伤害之间有间接而非直接的因果关系,是现代侵权法中过失侵权损害赔偿之诉的前身。其常被简称为“case”或者“action on the case”。——译注
例子可见Leame v Bray (1803)3 East’s Term Reports, King’s Bench 593, 599ff; 102ER 724, 726ff; Fleming(n21), 21.
关于详细内容,参见,Ibbetson(n21), 48ff, 1159ff; Letang v Cooper QB 232, 238 (Lord Denning).
Percy Henry Winfield, ‘The History of Negligence in the Law of Torts’, (1926) 166LQR 184ff, 196.
David Howarth, ‘Is there a Future for the Intentional Torts?’, in Peter Birks (ed), The Classification of Obligations (1997), 233ff.
Ibbetson (n21), 200. 27 Margaret M. Brazier, in Clerk and Lindsell (n8), para 13–03.
Margaret M. Brazier, in Clerk and Lindsell (n 8 ), para 13–03.
关于详细内容,参见 Howarth (n25), 233, 242ff.
*直到20世纪60年代中期,普通法还认为,专家责任只能因合同关系产生,除非专家存在故意欺诈。专家因过错陈述对信赖其陈述并受到损害的第三人不应当承担损害赔偿责任。Hedley Byrne V Heller and Partners一案具有里程碑意义,它通过注意义务使责任正当化。在Hedley Byrne案中,法官认为,“如果某人具有某种特殊技巧(与合同无关),并且决定将其技巧帮助一位依赖这种技巧的人,那么关注的责任就会产生”。参见徐爱国:《英美侵权行为法》, 法律出版社1999年版,第78页。——译者注
Bramwell in Emblen v Myers(1860) 6 Hurlstone&Norman’s Exchequer Reports 54,59; 158ER 23,25.
Christopher Walton,in Christopher Walton,Roger Cooper,Simon E.Wood,J.Charlesworth, and R.A.Percy(eds),Charlesworth&Percy on Negligence(10th edn, 2001),para1–19.
参见Geneviève Viney,Introductionàla responsabilité(2nd edn,1995),no.12.
* 制定法(Statute)主要是一个英美法上的概念,专指由立法机关以立法的形式创设的法律,故与由法院判决所形成的判例法相对。——译者注
引自Lonrho的权威判例Ltd v Shell Petroleum Co Ltd(No2)AC 173,185(Lord Diplock).
W.V.Horton Rogers,Winfield & Jolowicz on Tort(16th edn,2002),para7.6;Tony Weir, A Casebook on Tort(10th edn, 2004),178–9.
Morris v National Coal Board3All ER644,647;Bux v Slough Metals Ltd1All ER 262 ,267ff.
Section130 Powers of Criminal Courts(Sentencing)Act 2000;关于该主题,参见Basil Markesinis and Simon Deakin,Tort Law(5th edn,2003),50ff.
参见von Bar, Common European Law of Torts, vol I (n4), n602.