Electronic Applied System of Local Statute and Regulation of Shaanxi Province: 1980-2000 (CD-ROM, Shaanxi Electronic Video Press, 2001).
compilation of Qinghai Provincial Statutes and Regulations: 1991-1995 (Shaanxi People Press, 1996), and its continuation, vol. 1996-1999 (Shaanxi People Press, 2001).
The Public Information Network of Shaanxi Provincial Government (in Chinese) . This is the gateway website of Shaanxi provincial government. Under the column law and regulation it links to an online lawbase searching for provincial statute and regulation.
Shaanxi Province People’s Congress (in Chinese) .
This site provides rich information on congress activities. In section local statute it posts some provincial statutes enacted from 2002 in the web.
Shandong Province
Bulletin of Shandong Government (1949-).
Electronic Applied System of Local Statutes and Regulations of Shandong Province: 1980-2001 (CD-ROM, Shaanxi Electronic Video Press, 2002).
Compilation of Shandong Provincial Statutes and Regulations, : 1980- 1989 (Shandong People Press, 1990), and its continuation, vol. 1990-1992.
Shandong Yearbook (1987-)
Shanxi Province
Bulletin of Shanxi Government (1949-).
Collection of Local Statutes of Shanxi Province (1996-, yearly, Shanxi Education Press).
Compilation of Shanxi Provincial Statutes and Regulations: 1949-1985 (Shanxi People Press, 1987. From 1986 it was published yearly).
Electronic Applie, d System of Local Statutes and Regulations of Shanxi Province: 1983-2001 (CD-ROM, Shaanxi People Press, Shaanxi Electronic Video Press, 2002).
Shanxi Yearbook (1985-).
Shanxi Provincial People’s Government (in Chinese).
This site, under the column policy and regulation, provides provincial regulations issued by the provincial government from 2002 to the present.
Sichuan Province
Bulletin of Sichuan Government (1985-).
Sichuan Yearbook (1989-).
Collection of Sichuan Nationality regulations:1981-1990 (Sichuan Nationality Press, 1991)
Collection of Local Statutes of the Ninth Sichuan Provincial People’s Congress (Sichuan People Press, 2002).
Collection of Local Statutes of Sichuan Province: 1979-1999 (Sichuan People Press, 1999).
Compilation of Sichuan Provincial Statutes and Regulations: 1952-1984 (Sichuan People Press, 1985), and its continuation, vol. 1985-1987.
Sichuan Government(in Chinese) .
From this portal site of Sichuan provincial government one may get rich legal information about Sichuan province for it provides a online lawbase containing about one hundred and fifty provincial statute (1980-), nearly two hundred provincial regulation (1979-) and two hundred or more files of provincial government (2000-).
Sichuan People’s Congress (in Chinese) .
This site links to the electronic version of Gazette of the Standing Committee of Sichuan Provincial People’s Congress which provides the full text of documents recording the activities of congress since 2000. In addition, under the column law and regulation it also offers the full text of provincial statute (1982-) and provincial regulation (1980-).
Taiwan Province
The online legal information of Taiwan Province can be obtained at
http://readopac.ncl.edu.tw/cgi-bin/ncl10/m_ncl10. This is a comprehensive lawbase contains rich legal information of Taiwan and is freely accessible.
Yunnan Province
Bulletin of Yunnan Government (1950-1958, 1978-2000).
Gazette of the People’s Government of Yunnan Province (2001-).
Collection of Local Statutes and Regulations, Autonomy Regulations and Separate Regulations of Yunnan Province: 1980-1990 (Yunnan People Press, 1992).
Yunnan Yearbook (1986-).
Yunnan Provincial People’s Government (in Chinese) .
This is a general official website of Yunnan provincial government among which, under the title of policy and regulation, it provides a great many provincial statutes and provincial regulations. It also publishes a good many government documents in the column administrative affairs information.
The Standing Committee of Yunnan Provincial People’s Congress (in Chinese). This congress’ site links, under the column search for law and regulation, an online legal database including the full text of provincial statutes of congress enacted from 1980 and provincial regulations of government promulgated from 1993.
Zhejiang Province
Bulletin of Zhejiang Government (1949-).
Zhejiang Yearbook (1992-).
Collection of Local Statutes of Zhejiang Province: 1979-1987 (Zhejiang People Press, 1988) and its continuation, vol. 1988-1989, vol. 1990-1991, vol. 1992-1994. From 1995 it was published yearly.
Zhejiang People’s Government (in Chinese, English web page is under construction) . This is a portal site of Zhejiang provincial government among which, in the column law and regulation it publicizes some provincial regulations issued since1990.
Zhejiang Provincial People’s Congress (in Chinese) .
In the Journal of the standing committee under the column Survey of Congress it offers documents of all the previous congresses since 1985,among which includes provincial statutes enacted by the congress.
Autonomous area
The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Bulletin of Guangxi Government (1950-1955, 1985-).
Guangxi Yearbook (1987-).
Complete Collection of Laws and Regulations of Guangxi: 1979-1997 (two volumes, Guangxi People’s Press, 1998).
Collection of Local Statutes of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: 1980-1988 (Guangxi People’s Press, 1989)
Government Network of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (in both Chinese and English) . This is the platform website of Guangxi Government. It provides rich information about government affairs, economy, investment, tourism, law and policy, etc. Under the column government documents it presents hundreds of documents issued by government of autonomous region and the general office under it from 2000 to the present.