The Electronic Applied System of Local statutes and Regulations of Gansu Province: 1980-2002 (CD-ROM, Shaanxi Electronic Video Press, 2002).
Gansu Yearbook (1994-).
The People’s Government of Gansu Province (in Chinese) .
This site contains several columns such as about Gansu, government structure, government activities, service for citizens, investment and tourism. In government activities it posts some important provincial regulations under the headline of government document database.
Guangdong Province
Bulletin of Guangdong Government (1950-1966, 1978-2002). Its network edition can be acquired simultaneously from the provincial government site since 1999.
Complete collection of Guangdong Statutes and Regulations: 1979-1993 (Guangdong People Press, 1995) and its continuation: volume 1994-1995 (Guangdong People Press, 1997).
Collection of Local Statutes of Guangdong Province: 1979-1999 (Guangdong People Press, 2000).
Guangdong Yearbook (1987-).
The Public Information Network of Guangdong Government (in Chinese).
Under the title law and regulation it offers full text of provincial statute enacted and passed by provincial congress since 1981. Other provincial regulations publicized from 1999 can be read at the site under the title of government document.
Information Window of Guangdong People’s Congress (in Chinese) .
This site offers an online database searching for provincial statute since 1982 within the column Guangdong Local Statute.
Guizhou Province
Bulletin of Guizhou Government (1992-).
Compilation of Guizhou Provincial Statutes and Regulations: 1982-1997 (China Legality Press, 1999).
Collection of Local Statutes of Guizhou Province: 1990-1992 (Guizhou Education Press, 1993. From 1994 it has been published by Guizhou People Press every third year).
Gazette of the Standing Committee of Guizhou Provincial People’s Congress (2000-). From 2001 its online edition can also be traced from the website of the congress.
Guizhou Yearbook (1986-).
Guizhou Provincial People’s Government (in both Chinese and English).
Under the headlines government documents and laws and regulation this site provides respectively the government documents, provincial statutes and provincial regulation from 1999 to the present.
The Standing Committee of Guizhou Provincial Congress (in Chinese).
In this site there is a special column titled local statutes which contains several sections covering Local statutes at provincial level enacted by provincial congress since 1980, Local ordinances of relatively large city made by the congress of Guiyang city from 1988, and Autonomous regulation and specific regulation formulates by the autonomous prefectures and autonomous counties since 1983.
Hainan Province
Bulletin of Hainan Government (1999-).
Hainan Yearbook (1989-).
Compilation of Hainan Provincial Statutes and Regulations: 1988-1991 (Hainan Press, 1992; from 1992 it publishes yearly).
The Public Information Network of Hainan Government(in Chinese) .
This is the official website of Hainan provincial government in which, under the column laws and regulations, it links an online lawbase providing provincial statutes and regulations.
Hebei Province
Bulletin of Heibei Government (1949-1960, 1985-2002).
Gazette of Hebei Provincial People’s Government (2002.8.-). Its online version also be available from the government site.
Collection of Local Statutes of Hebei Province:1980-1986, and its continuation, vol.1987-1989, vol.1990-1992.
Compilation of Hebei Provincial Statutes and Regulations: 1949-1983 (Hebei People Press, 1987), and its continuation, Vol.1984-1986, Vol.1987-1997, vol.1998-
Heibei Yearbook (1991-).
The Public Information Network of Hebei Provincial Government (in Chinese) .
In the section “Hebei Government Affairs” there is an online database titled “policy and regulation” which includes respectively the provincial statutes and regulations and other documents of provincial government enacted or issued since 1992.
Heilongjiang Province
Bulletin of Heilongjiang Government (semimonthly, 1981-). Its electronic edition of the latest issue can also be found in the provincial government site.
Heilongjiang Yearbook (1986-).
The Public Information Network of Heilongjiang Provincial People’s Government (in Chinese) . This is the official information site of Heilongjiang provincial government in which it offers rich information such as survey of Heilongjiang, organizational structure of government, administrative division, documents of government, press releases, official gazette, invitation of foreign investment, etc. In the column government documents it posts the work report of government and some newly published government order, provincial regulation, and documents of government agencies.
Henan Province
Bulletin of Henan Government (1949.7-2001).
Gazette of Henan Provincial People’s Government (2002-). Its web version can be traced from the website of Henan provincial government.
Henan Yearbook (1984-).
Henan Provincial People’s Government (in Chinese).
This site provides information on government activities, government gazette, policy and regulation, and links to city governments within province. In the column policy and regulation it offers provincial statutes and regulations published from 1998 to the present.
Hubei Province
Bulletin of Hubei Government (1949-1960, 1981-).
A Database of Local Statutes and Regulations of Hubei Province: 1983-2002 (CD-ROM, Shaanxi Electronic Video Press, 2002).
Hubei Yearbook (1989-).
Hubei China (in Chinese, summary in English) .