│ │ amination of each row in the field or nursery and by visu- │
│ │ al examination of all plant parts above the growing medium, │
│ │ using a random sample of at least 300 plants in a │
│ │ genus where the genus comprises of not more than 3000 │
│ │ plants or 10% of the plants if there are more than 3000 │
│ │ plants in the genus, The harmful organisms of concern │
│ │ are those listed in the annexes to this Directive, and any │
│ │ other harmful organism in so far as it does not exist in │
│ │ the Community; │
│ │ (d) the plants shall havc been found free, in these inspe- │
│ │ ctions, from the relevant harmful organisms of concern. │
│ │ Infested plants shall be removed. The remaining │
│ │ plants, where appropriate, shall be effectively │
│ │ treated, and in addition shall be held for an appropriate │
│ │ period to ensure freedom from such harmful or │
│ │ ganisms and the material shall be packed in closed │
│ │ containers which have been officially sealed an bear a │
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