Official Journal of the European Communities
│ Plants, plant products and other objects │ Special requirements │
│ 43. Plants of the bonsai-type,intended for │ Without prejudice to the provisions applicable to the │
│ planting, other than seeds, originating in│Plants listed in Annex Ⅲ A(1),(2),(3),(9),(13), │
│ non-European Countries. │ (15),(16),(17),(18), Annex Ⅲ B(1), and Annex │
│ │ ⅣⅠ(8.1),(8.2),(9.1),(9.2),(10),(11.1), │
│ │ (11. 2),(12),(13),(14),(15),(17),(18),(19.1), │
│ │ (19.2),(20),(22.1),(22.2),(23.1),(23.2),(24), │
│ │ (25. 5),(25.6),(26),(27.1),(27.2),(28),(32.1), │
│ │ (32.2), (33), (34), (36),(37), (38. 1), (38.2) │
│ │ (39),(40),(42), where appropriate, official statement │
│ │ thet: │
│ │ (a) the plants shall havc been grown and trained for at │