Lynn M. LoPucki, The Systems Approach to Law, 82 Cornell L. Rev. 479, 503 (1997);另见拉伦茨,前揭12,页74。
从学术史上看,几乎所有的自然和社会科学部门都可以回溯到哲学上来。在1660年Royal Society——世界上最古老而又未中断过的科学学会在伦敦成立时,其并没有声称自己是“自然科学”(natural science)研究机构,而是认为自己是“自然哲学”(natural philosophy)的研究机构。
Oliver W. Holmes, Jr., The Path of the Law, Kessinger Publishing, 2004, p. 13. 原文发表在10 Harv. L. Rev. 457 (1897).
Hermann Conrad, Deutsche Rechtsgeschichte (Band I: Frühzeit und Mittelalter), 2. Aufl., Verlag. C. F. Müller, 1962, S. XVII.
“我们对过去事情的相互关系、对它们相应的重要性、对它们的意义的看法,都因现实的瞬息万变而不断改变。同一国家的同一个人,先是在1897年观察同样的过去,然后于1973年再观察它,使会描绘出两个迥然不同的图画。如果在2073年的中国再去观察那完全一样的过去,肯定会得出更加不同的看法;再如果在2173年的尼日利亚再去观察它的话,无疑会作出更为千差万别的描述。”汤因比:《人类与大地母亲》,徐波等译,马小军校,上海:上海人民出版社2001年,第82章。又如后世学者对英国南海公司事件之后的“泡沫法案”的通过,就有三种完全不同的解释。Ron Harris, The Bubble Act: Its Passage and Its Effects on Business Organization, 54 The Journal of Economic History 610, 611-612(1994).
Roscoe Pound, The Ideal Element in Law, 1958, Liberty Fund, p. 372.
Douglas G. Baird, The Future of Law and Economics: Looking Forward, 64 U. Chi. L. Rev. 1129 (1997).
Richard A. Epstein, Book Review: The Next Generation of Legal Scholarship?, 30 Stan. L. Rev. 635, 645 (1978); Duncan Kennedy, Cost-Benefit Analysis of Entitlement Problems: A Critique, 33 Stanford L. Rev. 387 (1981). 中文论述,邓正来:《波斯纳法经济学的功利主义基础及缺陷》,http://dzl.legaltheory.com.cn/view.asp?infoid=14272&classid=6,2007年8月29日。
“In most current legal debates, however, none of the rules in question would leave everyone better off.” Richard Craswell, Kaplow and Shavell on the Substance of Fairness, 32 J. Legal Stud. 245, 273 (2003).
Richard A. Posner, Economic Analysis of Law, 4. Edition, Little, Brown and Company, 1992, p. 13.
“All modern society depart from the precepts of wealth maximization. The unanswered question is how the conditions in these societies would change if the public sector could somehow be cut all the way down to the modest dimensions of the night watchman state that the precepts of wealth maximization seem to imply. That is a difficult counterfactual question.” Richard Posner, The Problem of Jurisprudence, Harvard University Press, 1990, p. 387.
Eric Posner, Economic Analysis of Contract Law After Three Decades: Success or Failure?, 112 Yale L.J. 829, 830 (2003).
Eric Posner, supra, pp. 834-839.
Alan Schwartz, The Continuing Puzzle of Secured Debt, 37 Vand. L. Rev. 1051 (1984).
Easterbrook and Fischel, Limited Liability and the Corporation, 52 U. Chi. L. Rev. 89 (1985); Hansmann and Kraakman, Toward Unlimited Shareholder Liability for Corporate Torts, 100 Yale L.J. 1879 (1991); Bainbridge, Abolishing Veil Piercing, 26 Iowa J. Corp. L. 479 (2001).
Louis Kaplow & Steven Shavell, Fairness Versus Welfare, Harvard University Press, 2002, pp.457-58.
“It may be impossible to lay solid philosophical foundations under wealth maximization…” Richard Posner, supra n. 76, p. 384.
Id., p. 382.
Richard Posner, Utilitarianism, Economics, and Legal Theory, 8 Journal of Legal Study 103 (1979).
Horst Eidenmüller, a.a.O., S. 178 (Fn. 16).
Richard Posner, supra n. 85, p.136. 不过波斯纳在“简化”前面又加了“优美的”(elegant)这一修饰词。
Mill, Utilitarismus, Parker, Son, and Bourn, West Strand, London, 1863, pp. 5, 77.
“Few human creatures would consent to be changed into any of the lower animals, for a promise of the fullest allowance of a beast''s pleasures; no intelligent human being would consent to be a fool, no instructed person would be an ignoramus, no person of feeling and conscience would be selfish and base, even though they should be persuaded that the fool, the dunce, or the rascal is better satisfied with his lot than they are with theirs.”Mill, supra, p. 13. “It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied.” Mill, supra, p. 14.
“In the golden rule of Jesus of Nazareth, we read the complete spirit of the ethics of utility. To do as you would be done by, and to love your neighbor as yourself, constitute the ideal perfection of utilitarian morality.” Mill, supra n. 90, pp. 24-25.
Id., p. 25.
Id., pp. 38 ff.
Id., p: 44.
Id., pp. 43-44.
康德区别真知识(wahres Wissen)和假知识(Scheinwissen)。认为现实世界中既有的知识体系既包括真知识又包括假知识。如果用A、B两圆来分别代表真知识和现实世界的知识,那么这两个园只是一种部分重叠的关系。A圆中未与B圆重合的那部分知识代表现实世界之外的知识。因此仅从经验中是无法找到终极性价值的。朱高正:《朱高正讲康德》,北京:北京大学出版社,2005年,页71。
康德关于权利与私法的观点也不完全是其个人的创造。法律学者如格劳秀斯(Hugo Grotius)和普芬道夫(Pufendorf)都对康德法哲学理论的最终成形有直接影响。格劳秀斯(Hugo Grotius)的自然法观念、自由观念及其对占有及所有的理解,都被康德所采纳。普芬道夫(Pufendorf)的合同理论对康德的“法的理论”(Rechtslehre)有重大影响。普芬道夫区分的三类义务——对上帝的义务、对自己的义务和对他人的义务(其中对他人的义务又可以分为不损害他人的义务、同等对待所有人的义务、为他人提供特定服务的义务即合同义务)都可以在康德权利哲学的中寻到影子。Hannes Unberath, Die Vertragsverletzung, Mohr Siebeck, 2007, S. 54;中文资料见朱高正,前揭98,页75。
Unberath, Die Vertragsverletzung, Mohr Siebeck, S. 33.