The power given o the EP at Masstricht went some way to redress the institutional balance in the community, in which national interests as represented by the Council of ministers has predominated, and to remedy the much-criticized ''democratic deficit'' in 5he decision-making process. The 1997 treaty has given the EP a much more active role both in the farming and in the masking of legislation. The making of legislation will be by way of giving the EP far more extensive responsibility via its role and enhance power in relation to the Council in the so-called ''co-decision'' procedure. Critics suggested that these changes did not go far enough and that the parliament should have more powers. But I think because the EU is on the way of developing, it need more efficiency than democracy, it may hinder the development of the integration process.
The system of EC is very special and EC has an institutional structure to match. Both the community and the union are supposed on the continued existence of the member states. These retain the bulk of governmental powers, and they remain the main arena of political activity and the focus of loyalty for their citizens. The virtue of the community model of European construction is precisely that the member states are not diminished but are bound together by rules that require them to act increasingly in common. It is futile to imagine that an institution such as the Council could function as if it were a national parliament, but I think the Council is capable of doing its job efficiently while maintaining an acceptable level of accountability before public opinion in the different member states.
【参考文献】BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Josephine Steiner & Lorna woods , TEXTBOOK ON EC LAW ,Blackstone Press LTD., 2. Nigel Foster , EC LEGISLATION 1998-9 , Blackstone Press LTD., 3.Stephen Weatherill , cases and meterials on EC LAW ,4th edition, Blackstone Press LTD., 4.George A.Bermann ,cases and meterials on European Community Law,WestPublishing Co., 5.隋伟,杨明光 :《 欧洲联盟法律制度简论》,南开大学出版社