

  为进一步推动和支持中日韩三国科研人员开展实质性研发合作,提升三国在相关领域的科技水平,在2009年5月举行的第二届中日韩科技部长会上,三方决定启动三国联合研究计划(JRCP: Joint Research Collaboration Program)。中国科技部、日本科技振兴机构和韩国国家研究基金会将分别为各自研究单位提供项目所需的部分合作经费。经三方商定,现开始征集中日韩联合研究计划第一期项目。请各单位按照科技部要求,根据“中日韩联合研究计划第一期项目申报指南”(附件1)和“中日韩联合研究计划实施细则”(附件2),认真组织项目申报工作。
  联系人:南京市科技局国际合作处 陈澄







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  In accordance with Article IV of the Memorandum of Understanding (hereinafter referred to as “MOU”) signed on May 24, 2009 among Chinese Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Science and Technology (hereinafter referred to as “DOIC”), Korea Foundation for International Cooperation of Science and Technology(hereinafter referred to as “KICOS”) and Japan Science and Technology Agency (hereinafter referred to as “JST), these Joint Guidelines provide methods of implementation of the Joint Research Collaboration Program (hereinafter referred to as “JRCP”) among DOIC, National Research Foundation of Korea (hereinafter referred to as “NRF”) and JST (hereinafter referred to collectively as “the Parties”).

  I. General Description

  I-1. New Scheme for Joint Funding of Chinese-Korean-Japanese Research Cooperation

  Based on the MOU, DOIC, KICOS and JST have agreed to establish a new scheme for joint funding of Chinese - Korean - Japanese cooperative activities. After consultation among the Parties, “Climate Change (Included Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction), Energy Saving, Disaster Prevention and Water Cycle” have been selected as the field of research for JRCP.

  I-2. Aim of JRCP and Research Field

  The aim of JRCP is to strengthen collaboration among Chinese, Korean and Japanese researchers within the field of “Climate Change (Included Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction), Energy Saving, Disaster Prevention and Water Cycle” to enable them to forge long-term collaborations, leading to world-class scientific results and innovative technologies.
  “Climate Change (Included Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction), Energy Saving, Disaster Prevention and Water Cycle” is developing rapidly and is considered an area of strategic importance by the Parties.

  The 1st joint call for proposals will be launched in the beginning of July. It will be announced on the websites of the Parties, with the same starting and closing dates for applications, and announcement of successful projects.

  The 2nd and the 3rd joint calls will be launched around April in 2010 and 2011 respectively.

  I-3. Prospective Applicants

  The Parties will invite Chinese, Korean and Japanese researchers to submit proposals for cooperative research projects in the research area described above. All applicants must fulfil national eligibility rules for research grant application. An important criterion of the proposed collaboration is that it should build on and reinforce on-going research activities in each group and significantly add value to these. Researchers from industry may participate in the joint collaboration.

  I-4. Financial Support

  The Parties plan to support cooperative activities including sending and inviting researchers to the counterpart countries. In principle, DOIC will support expenses for Chinese researchers, National Research Foundation of Korea(hereinafter referred to “NRF”) will support expenses for Korean researchers and JST will support expenses for Japanese researchers.

  II. Support by DOIC/NRF/JST

  It is anticipated that about three (3) trilateral projects will be funded per call, depending on the number of proposals submitted.

  Generally, the international transportation to and from the receiving country will be covered by the sending side(s); the receiving side will cover the expenses of meal, accommodation and transportation within its own country.

  II-1. DOIC

  II-1.1. Budget for Cooperative Research Projects

  The budget for a project may differ each year, depending on the content of activities, but the total budget for the Chinese researcher over a full 3-year period (i.e. 36 months) should not exceed one (1) million RMB in principle.

  According to the budgetary limitations for this programme, the amounts will be adjusted each year.

  Expenses for facilities and equipment may be requested, in principle, only for the first fiscal year.

  II-1.2. Cooperative Research Period

  The duration of a cooperative research project will be three years (36 months) in total from the start date.

  II-1.3. Details of Support

  This programme is designed to support cooperation with Korean and Japanese counterparts for a Chinese researcher, such as expenses for travel and/or conducting seminars/symposia, with the precondition that the main research infrastructure essential to conducting the research project is already secured by each research group.

  II-1.4. Funded Expenses

  Funding provided within this call is intended to enhance the capacity of the applicants to collaborate. Funding will therefore be provided mainly in support of collaborative activities and may include some of the local research that is necessary for the collaboration.

  Funded expenses include costs for research activities as well as research exchanges. All budget items must conform to the rules and regulations issued by the Ministry of Finance and/or the Ministry of Science and Technology of China.

  II-1.5. Contract between Applicant and DOIC

  Sufficient consultations should be made among Chinese research organization and its counterparts from Japan and Korea to get a consensus in the ownership of any IPRs, in any form, arising from the joint research supported by JRCP.

  Support will be implemented according to a contract for commissioned research entered between DOIC and a university, research institute, or enterprise (hereinafter referred to as the “institution”). During its implementation, the project should be managed according to the relative rules and regulations issued by MOST or DOIC. Sufficient and effective protection should be provided, in accordance with respective domestic laws and the international conventions which their countries have acceded to and ratified, for the IPRs derived from the scientific and technological achievements of the joint R&D activities conducted under JRCP.

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