
  5.Instructions Outside Hong Kong
If I/we give any Instruction to you outside Hong Kong, I/we agree to ensure and represent that such Instruction will have been given in compliance with any applicable law of the relevant jurisdiction from which my Instruction is given, and I/we further agree that I/we shall, when in doubt, consult legal advisers and other professionals of the relevant jurisdiction. I/We accept that there may be taxes or charges payable to relevant authorities in respect to any Instruction given outside Hong Kong , and I/we agree to pay such taxes or charges as possible.

  6.Risk Disclosure Statement
Risk of Electronic Trading. Access to the Internet or other electronic devices may be limited or unavailable during periods of peak demand, market volatility, systems upgrades or maintenance or for other reasons. Transactions conducted through the Internet or other electronic devices may be subject to interruption, transmission blackout, and delayed transmission due to unpredictable traffic congestion and other reasons beyond your control. Internet is, due to technical limitation, an inherently unreliable medium if communication. As a result of such unreliability, there may be delays in the transmission and receipt of Instructions and other information and that this may result in delays in the execution of Instructions and/or the execution of Instructions at prices different from those prevailing prices at the time the instructions are given. Moreover, communications and personal data may be accessed by authorized third parties; and there are risks of misunderstanding or errors in any communication and that such risks shall be absolutely borne by me/us. I/We acknowledge and agree that it shall not usually be possible to cancel an Instruction after it has been given.

I/We,the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that I/we have read, is/are aware of and understand the contents of the Client''s Agreement and accept its terms and conditions thereof.

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【发表评论】 【互动社区】