
  □ No
  □ Yes

  Q6: It the answer to the previous question is yes, please provide the names of the countries that inspected your company in the last 5 years.

  Q7: Does the company have a vaccine quality complaints department?
  □ No
  □ Yes
  Q8. Please list in which aspects of GMP you consider your company requires additional training
  □ Process Validation
  □ Documentation control
  □ Equipment Validation
  □ Environmental monitoring
  □ Method validation
  □ Change control
  □ Other

  V. Nonclinical studies

  Q1: Has your company ever sponsored/conducted nonclinical studies?
  □ No
  □ Yes

  Q2: If yes, where were these studies conducted? (more than one answer allowed)
  □ company's own facility
  □ contractor's facility (e.g. university; Contract Research Organization [CRO]
  □ other  Specify:_______________________________________________

  VI. Clinical trials

  Q1: Has your company ever sponsored at least one phase I clinical trial?
  □ No
  □ Yes

  Q2: Has your company ever sponsored at least one phase II clinical trial?
  □ No
  □ Yes

  Q3: Has your company ever sponsored at least one phase Ⅲ clinical trial?
  □ No
  □ Yes

  Q4: Does your company? (more than one answer allowed)
  □ conduct its own clinical trials
  □ has its clinical trials conducted by a government institution (e.g. CDC)
  □ hires a Contract Research Organization [CRO] to do that
  □ has done both
  □ not applicable

  Q5: Previously to being conducted the clinical trials sponsored by your company require: (more than one answer allowed)
  □ approval by local Ethics Committees (of the institutions/hospitals were the trials are going to be conducted)
  □ approval by a regional or federal Ethics Committee
  □ approval by SFDA

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