

序号中国海关数据元名称WCO DATA MODEL或UNTDED编号填制条件
1航次航班编号149 Conveyance reference number必填必填必填必填
2运输方式代码183 Mode/type of means of transport crossing the border, coded 必填必填必填必填
3运输工具代码167 Identification of means of transport crossing the border, coded 必填必填选填选填
4运输工具名称160 Identification of means of transport crossing the border必填必填选填选填
5集装箱(器)编号159 Equipment identification number条件条件----
6集装箱(器)尺寸和类型152 Equipment size and type identification条件条件----
7重箱或者空箱标识代码154 Transport equipment loaded status 条件条件----
8封志号码,类型和施加封志人165 Seal number选填选填----
9总提运单号015 Transport document number条件条件必填必填
10分提运单号189 Associated transport document number条件条件条件条件
11托运货物序号006 Consignment item sequence number条件条件必填必填
12托运货物包装种类141 Type of packages identification条件条件选填选填
13托运货物件数146 Total number of packages条件条件必填必填
14货物简要描述138 Brief cargo description 条件条件必填必填
15货物描述补充信息105 Free text选填选填选填选填
16货物总毛重131 Total gross weight条件条件必填必填
17唛头142 Shipping marks 选填选填选填选填
18卸货地代码080 Place of discharge, coded必填必填必填必填
19到达卸货地时间208 Itinerary arrival date and time必填必填必填必填
20申报地海关代码065 Customs office of declaration, coded必填必填必填必填
21备注105 Free text选填选填选填选填


序号中国海关数据元名称WCO DATA MODEL或UNTDED编号填制条件
1航次航班编号149 Conveyance reference number必填
2运输方式代码183 Mode/type of means of transport crossing the border, coded 必填
3运输工具代码167 Identification of means of transport crossing the border, coded 必填
4运输工具名称160 Identification of means of transport crossing the border必填
5装箱清单传输人名称256 Representative person name必填
6装箱单编号UNTDED 1154必填
7装货地代码070 Place of loading, coded必填
8货物装载时间031 Consignment loading date必填
9申报地海关代码 065 Customs office of declaration, coded 必填
10集装箱(器)编号159 Equipment identification number必填
11集装箱(器)尺寸和类型152 Equipment size and type identification必填
12集装箱(器)来源代码151 Equipment supplier type, coded必填
13封志号码,类型和施加封志人165 Seal number选填
14总提运单号015 Transport document number必填
15分提运单号189 Associated transport document number条件
16货物海关状态代码094 Customs status of goods, coded选填
17收货人代码052 Consignee,coded选填
18收货人名称051 Consignee name必填
19收货人地址(街道,邮箱)239 Street and number/P.O.Box必填
20城市名称241 City name选填
21省份代码244 Country sub-entity选填
22省份名称243 Country sub-entity,name选填
23邮政编码245 Postcode identification选填
24国家代码242 Country, coded选填
25收货人联系号码240 Communication number 选填
26通讯方式类别代码253 Communication number Type 选填
27收货人具体联系人名称246 Department or employee contact name选填
28收货人具体联系人联系号码240 Communication number 选填
29通讯方式类别代码253 Communication number Type 选填
30拼箱人代码193 Consolidator,coded条件
31通知人代码058 Notify party, coded 选填
32通知人名称 057 Notify party条件
33通知人地址(街道,邮箱)239 Street and number/P.O.Box条件
34城市名称241 City name选填
35省份代码244 Country sub-entity选填
36省份名称243 Country sub-entity,name选填
37邮政编码245 Postcode identification选填
38国家代码242 Country, coded选填
39通知人联系号码240 Communication number 选填
40通讯方式类别代码253 Communication number Type 选填
41危险品联系人姓名045 Dangerous goods contact details条件
42危险品联系人联系号码240 Communication number 条件
43通讯方式类别代码253 Communication number Type 条件
44托运货物序号006 Consignment item sequence number必填
45货物包装种类141 Type of packages identification必填
46货物件数139 Number of packages per commodity必填
47货物简要描述138 Brief cargo description 必填
48货物描述补充信息105 Free text选填
49货物毛重126 Gross weight item level必填
50危险品编号143 UNDG Number(Dangerous Goods Code)条件
51唛头142 Shipping marks 必填
52海关税则6位编号145 Tariff code number选填
53唯一托运编号016 Unique consignment reference number选填
54备注105 Free text选填

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