第十五条 所有国民享有选择职业的自由。
第十九条 所有国民享有良心的自由。
(4)《法兰西共和国宪法》(1958年10月4日制定)(中文版载百度百科“法国宪法”词条,http://baike.baidu.com/view/142976.htm。)第一章 主权第二条 法兰西是不可分的、世俗的、民主的和社会的共和国。它保证所有公民,不分出身、种族或者宗教,在法律面前一律平等。它尊重一切信仰。
第十二章 共同体第七十七条 在依本宪法建立的共同体之中各成员国享有自治权;它们应当民主地、自主地管理自己,并且处理它们自己的事务。
(5)《关于执行外国仲裁裁决的公约》(1927年9月26日订于日内瓦)(载《北大法律信息网》,引证号为CLI.T.6320)第一条 凡在本公约适用的任何缔约国领土内根据一项为解决现有或将来争端的协议(以下称“仲裁申请”)而作成的仲裁裁决,如果此项协议是属于1923年9月24日在日内瓦公布的关于仲裁条款议定书的范围以内,该裁决应被认为有拘束力,并应按照请求履行该裁决当地的程序法规予以执行,但以该裁决是在本公约所适用的缔约国之一的领土内作成,并且是对在缔约国之一的管辖权之下的人作出的为限。
(6)《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》(载《北大法律信息网》,引证号为CLI.T.4582)第十五条 二、任何人的行为或不行为,在其发生时依照各国公认的一般法律原则为犯罪者,本条规定并不妨碍因该行为或不行为而对任何人进行的审判和对他施加的刑罚。
(7)《中华人民共和国和土耳其共和国关于民事、商事和刑事司法协助的协定》(1995年10月26日生效)(载《北大法律信息网》,引证号为CLI.T.224)第六条 缔约双方提供司法协助适用各自的本国法律。缔约一方也可根据请求适用缔约另一方的程序规则,但不得违背其本国的基本法律原则。
2、规则或国际组织规章(Regulations/Organizational Rules):
(1)《联合国宪章》(载联合国官方网站,http://www.un.org/en/documents/charter/)Chapter I: Purposes and PrinciplesArticle 2The Organization and its Members, in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1, shall act in accordance with the following Principles.
1、The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.
2、All Members, in order to ensure to all of them the rights and benefits resulting from membership, shall fulfill in good faith the obligations assumed by them in accordance with the present Charter.
3、All Members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered.
4、All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
5、All Members shall give the United Nations every assistance in any action it takes in accordance with the present Charter, and shall refrain from giving assistance to any state against which the United Nations is taking preventive or enforcement action.
6、The Organization shall ensure that states which are not Members of the United Nations act in accordance with these Principles so far as may be necessary for the maintenance of international peace and security.
7、Nothing contained in the present Charter shall authorize the United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state or shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter; but this principle shall not prejudice the application of enforcement measures under ChapterⅦ.