【注释】以上早期学者的观点归纳来自于美国学者Manohar Pawar的整理,详细参见Manohar Pawar" Social Captial",the Social ScienceJournal 43,2006,p215。
Alejandro Portes. Social Capital: its Orgins and Applications in Modem Sociology , Annual Review of sociology 24,(1998):pl-24.
Robet D Putnam. Making democracy Work : Civic Traditions in modern Italy, NJ : Princeton University Press, 1994.
James Coleman. Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital .American Journal of sociology(1998) :P98.
Nan lin. Social Capital: A Theory of Social Structure and Action Cambridge ,Cambridge University Press, 2001,P4; P4-8.
Jean-jacques Rousseau. the social contract(G. D. H. Cole,trans),New York:Dutton,1972,P.107.
Robet D Putnam. Making Democracy Work: Civic Traditions in Modern Italy, NJ:Princeton University Press,1994.
John Brehm and Wendy Rahn. Individual Level Evdiences for Causes and Consequences of Social Captial. American Journal of Science 41(3)1997:P888-1023.
Nan lin. Social Capital: A Theory of Social Structure and Action Cambridge,Cambridge University Press,2001,P4;P4-8.
S.Coleman.Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital. In E.L.Lesser(Ed.),Knowledge&Social Capital.Boston:ButterworthHeinemann.2000.
Robet D Putnam.Making democracy Work: Civic Traditions in modern Italy, NJ:Princeton University Press,1994.
F.Fukuyama.Trust:The Social Virtues and the Creation of Prosperity.New York: Free Press,1995.
A.de.Tocqevile.Democracy in American.Vol.1.New York:Vintage Book,1990.
Emile Durkheim and Lewis A Coser.The Devison of Labour in Society.New York: Free Press(1964).
Norman Uphuoff. Unstandation Social Capital :Learning from the analysis and experience of participation,in Dasgupta Partha and serageldinIamail eds.Social Capital:A Multifaceted Perspective(Washington D.C:the World Bank,1999).P244.
John Feild.Social Captical. New York:Routlage,2003,pl-2.
Pones.The Economic Sociology of Immigration, NewYork:Russell Sage Foundation.1995,p14-25.
Pierre.Bourdieu.The Forms of Social Capital.in Handbook of Theory and Researchfor the Sociology of Education,(ed.)by John G.Richardson.Westport.CT: Greenwood Press.1986.p248.
西方学者在类型上将信任归纳为三种类型,包括:基于吓阻的信任(deterrence-based trust),基于知识的信任(knowledge-basedtrust),以及基于认同的信任(identification-based trust)。这三种信任都是建立在信任对象行为的一致性之上,认为社会信任的维持有赖于双方考量破坏承诺时可能遭受到的威胁或惩罚,行为的相互依赖性,以及相互利益的认同与实现。
Portes.The Economic Sociology of Immigration, NewYork:Russell Sage Foundation.1995,p14-50.
Grant Jordan.Sud-government,Policy Communities and Networks:Refilling the Old Boottles,Journal of Theoretical Politics2(2)1990:p319-338.
Frans Van Waardan. Dimensions and Types of Policy Networks,European Journal of Political Research 21(1/2),1992:p31.
Carrett hardin.The Tragedy of the Commons.Science(162),1968,p1243-1248.
James,Coleman.The Foundations of Social Theory,Cambridge,MA:Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.1990,p36-62.