【注释】黑格尔语。德文为“Was wirklich ist, das ist verntinftig, and was vernttnftig ist, das ist wirklich”,参见黑格尔著:《法哲学原理·序言》。
此说认为,商人创造商誉如同作者创作作品,商标要么因其自身属于发明创造而受到保护,要么因创造了标记和商品之间的新联系(即新含义)而受到保护。Lionel Bently&Brad Sherman, Intellectual Property Law, (3rd ed) 717 (Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009),
此说认为,由于商业标记增加了向消费者输出的信息供给,并因而提高了市场效率,降低了消费者的搜寻成本,所以商业标记对公共利益有利。Lionel Bendy&Brad Sherman, Intellectual Property law, (3rd ed) 718(Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009).
该观点主要基于公平或正义理念,特别是人们应当禁止“不劳而获”(to reap where they have not sown)的原则。具体言之,即通过使用他人的标记,也就利用了原始商标所有人生成的商誉。这表明,商标保护之证成与保护商人免受不正当竞争和不当得利(unjust en-richment)的损害之间存在联系。A. Kamperman Sanders, Unfair Competition Law: The Protection of Intellectual and Industrial Creativity(1997)转引自:Lionel Bendy & Brad Sherman, Intellectual Property Law, (3rd ed) 719 (Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009)
C. D. G. PICKERING, Trade Marks in Theory and Practice 34(Hart Publishing, Oxford 1998).
Edward S. Rogers,‘The Lanham Act and the Social Function of Trade-Marks'' (1949, Spring) 14 L&Contemp Prob 173,reprintedin(1972) 62 TMR 255,257-58.
Frank. I. Schechter, The Historical Foundations of the Law Relating to Trade-Marks 337 (Columbia University Press, New York 1925).
Sidney A. Diamond,‘The Historical Development of Trademarks'' (1975) 65 TMR 289.
William M. Landes&Richard A. Posner, The Economic Structure of Intellectual Property Law 166-209(Harvard University Press, Cam-bridge 2003);William M. Landes&Richard A. Posner,‘Trade Mark Law: An Economic Perspective''(1987) 30 J. L.&Econ. 268.
Richard A. Posner, Economic Analysis of Law, (4th ed) 370 (Aspen Law&Business, Boston 1999).
William M. Landes&Richard A. Posner, The Economic Structure of Intellectual Property Law 166-209 (Harvard University Press, Cam-bridge 2003);William M. Landes&Richard A. Posner,‘Trade Mark Law: An Economic Perspective''(1987) 30 J. L.&Econ. 268.
Sidney A. Diamond, ‘The Historical Development of Trademarks’(1975) 65 TMR 289.
Mishawaka Rubber&Woolen Mfg. Co. v. S. S. Kresge, 316 US 203,205,53 USPQ 323,325(1942).
C. D. G. PICKERING, Trade Marks in Theory and Practice, 34 (Hart Publishing, Oxford 1998).
Frank I. Schechter, ‘The Rational Basis of Trade-Mark Protection’(1927) 40 Harv L Rev 813,reprinted in 60(1970) TMR 334, 337.