【参考文献】{1}Kerry O''Halloran, Charity Law and Social Inclusion: An International Study, London; New York: Routledge, 2007, pp. 114-115.
{2}Gareth Jones, History of the Law of Charity1532-1827, Cambridge University Press, 2008, p.45.
{3}Ibid, p. 51.
{4}Ibid, pp. 52, 53.
{5}William Holdsworth, A History of English Law, A.L.Goodhart &H.G.Hanburyeds, 1966, pp.5-27.
{6}J.P.Feason, The Endowed Charities: With Some Suggestion for Further Legislation Regarding Them,p 35 ( 1855),转引自James J .Fishman, The Faithless Fiduciary and the Quest for Charitable Accountability1200-2005, Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2007,p.150.
{7}J.P.Feason, The Endowed Charities: With Some Suggestion for Further Legislation Regarding Them ,pp.38-40 (1855),转引自JamesJ .Fishman, The Faithless Fiduciary and the Quest for Charitable Accountability 1200-2005, Durham: Carolina Academic Press,2007, p.151.
{9}The Charitable Trusts Act of 1853.
{10}The Charitable Trusts Act of 1860, s5.
{11}David Owen, English philanthropy 1660-1960, Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1964, p. 228.
信托法》颁布后的11年里,慈善委员会共发布3034道命令委任新的受托人以及制订新的慈善信托财产的运作方案。参见Times (London)June 20,1864,at 8f; Times( London )June20,1872,at 11c,转引自James J .Fishman, The Faithless Fiduciary and the Quest for Charitable Accountability1200-2005,Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2007, note39, 40, p.196.
{13} David Owen. English philanthropy1660-1960, Cambridge. Mass: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1964, p.249.
{14}The Endowed School Act of 1869,§§9-10,20.
{15}David Owen, English philanthropy1660-1960, Cambridge, Mass: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1964, p.318.
{16}James J .Fishman, The Faithless Fiduciary and the Quest for Charitable Accountability1200-2005, Durham: Carolina AcademicPress, 2007, p.217.
{17}The Report of the Committee on the Law and Practice Relation to Charitable Trusts(Cmnd.8710), HMSO, London, 1952,p.25.
{18}{19}1960 Charity Act s.l(4).
{20}Woodfield,P.,Binns,G.,Hirst and Neal,D.,Efficiency Scrutiny of the Supervision of Charities, Report to the Home Secretary and the Economic Secretary to the Treasury,HMSO,London,1987.
{21}Parliamentary Panel on Charity Law, Charity Supervision in the 1990''s: A Response to the White Paper, HMSO, London, May1990
{25}Philip H. Pettit, Equity and the Law of Trust,5th ed.,London:Butterworths, 1984, p.246.
{26}Kerry 0'' Halloran, Charity Law&Social Policy: National and International Perspectives on the Functions of the Law Relating to Charities, Dordrecht: Springer, 2008, p.71.
{27}Philip H. Pettit,Equity and the Law of Trust,5th ed.,London:Butterworths, 1984, pp.249-250.
{28}Ibid, pp.253-254.
{29}James J .Fishman, The Faithless Fiduciary and the Quest for Charitable Accountability 1200-2005, Durham: Carolina AcademicPress, 2007, p.142.