32 有必要指出的是,举证责任在生产商。第2条第(7)款(c)项第一分段规定,生产商提出的请求必须有在市场经济条件下运营的充分证据。相应地,欧委会没有义务证明生产商并未满足法定条件。相反,欧委会的义务,是评估证据是否充分,而欧盟法院的职责,则是审查此项评估是否有明显错误。
33 普通法院判决第14段表明,上诉方按照发起反倾销调查通知的要求提交了有关市场经济和单独税率待遇的信息,而欧委会没有审查每一个请求。
34 欧委会的反倾销决定表明,欧委会认为,基于抽样的性质,对出口商不应单独评估。此外,反倾销决定还表明,请求市场经济和单独税率待遇的请求,数量太大,逐个审查是不可能的。因此,欧委会认为,对所有未被抽样公司适用被抽样公司的加权平均幅度是合理的。
35 普通法院判决第72-80段驳回了上诉方的请求,认为基本法并不要求欧委会审查未被抽样贸易商的市场经济/单独税率待遇请求,因为欧委会认为计算每个倾销幅度会造成不适当的负担和影响调查及时完成。
36 然而,普通法院认为根据第2条第(7)款(b)项和(c)项,不要求欧委会审查非抽样贸易商的市场经济请求,在法律上是错误的。
37 应当指出的是,首先,第2条第(7)款是基本法中专门关于确定正常价值的条款,而第17条,即抽样,是关于确定倾销幅度的条款。因此,这两个条款的目的和内容都不一样。
38 其次,希望获得市场经济待遇的贸易商提出的请求,欧委会有审查的义务;从第2条第(7)款(b)项的措辞看,这一点非常清楚。这一条款规定了一项义务,即在生产商适当提出市场经济条件占主导地位的实质性请求的情况下,应根据第1-6款确定正常价值。此项义务事关每个生产商制造和销售同类产品的经济条件的认定,并不受到倾销幅度计算方法的影响。
39 第三,根据第2条第(7)款(c)项第二分段,生产商是否满足了第一分段关于市场经济待遇的标准,这一认定应当在调查开始后三个月内做出。
40 因此,上诉方的上诉理由应予维持,因为这些理由所依据的,是欧委会违反了基本法第2条第(7)款。
I.Article 2(7) of the basic regulation:
7. (a) In the case of imports from non-market economy countries …, normal value shall be determined on the basis of the price or constructed value in a market economy third country, or the price from such a third country to other countries, including the Community, or where those are not possible, on any other reasonable basis, including the price actually paid or payable in the Community for the like product, duly adjusted if necessary to include a reasonable profit margin.
An appropriate market economy third country shall be selected in a not unreasonable manner, due account being taken of any reliable information made available at the time of selection. Account shall also be taken of time-limits; where appropriate, a market economy third country which is subject to the same investigation shall be used.
The parties to the investigation shall be informed shortly after its initiation of the market economy third country envisaged and shall be given 10 days to comment.
(b) In anti-dumping investigations concerning imports from … the People''s Republic of China, normal value will be determined in accordance with paragraphs 1 to 6, if it is shown, on the basis of properly substantiated claims by one or more producers subject to the investigation … that market economy conditions prevail for this producer or producers in respect of the manufacture and sale of the like product concerned. When this is not the case, the rules set out under subparagraph (a) shall apply.