

  但是仍然存在一个问题,即垄断或接近垄断的标准是什么。什么情况下才算是达到了垄断或接近垄断的程度?是达到50%、 70%还是90%甚至100%的市场份额才算是垄断或接近垄断?这在各国的立法和指南中都没有明确。不过加拿大的专家咨询小组对这一问题做了诠释,认为由于“垄断或接近垄断”具有差别性,因此“垄断”的概念在定性上与竞争法上的其他概念比如“实质性地减少或阻碍竞争”、“不当地减少或阻碍竞争”等并无差别。所有这些概念都通过执法和司法上的实践加以确定,“垄断”这一概念也是如此。{12}因此是否达到垄断或接近垄断的程度,首先是在衡量是否具有反竞争影响时加以考虑。如果有证据表明集中会在实质上达到这样一种程度,则排除效率抗辩的适用。

【参考文献】{1}Calvin S. Goldman, Q. C.,Ilene Knable Gotts, Michael E. Piaskoski, The Role of Efficiencies in Telecommunications Merger Review, 56 Fed. Comm. L. J. 87. (2003).
{3}David Balto, The Efficiency Defense in Merger Review: Progress or Stagnation?,Antitrust, Fall 2001,at 74,76.
{4}Fabienne Ilzkovitz &. Roderick Meiklejohn, European Merger Control: Do We Need an Efficiency Defence?,5 Eur.Econ. 4 (2001),available at:http://europa. eu. int/comm/economy<uscore>finance/publications/european<uscore>economy/2001/eers0501 <uscore>en. pdf.
{5}Calvin S. Goldman, Q. C.,Ilene Knable Gotts, Michael E. Piaskoski, The Role of Efficiencies in Telecommunications Merger Review, 56 Fed. Comm. L. J. 87. (2003).
{6}Calvin S. Goldman, Q. C.,Ilene Knable Gotts, Michael E. Piaskoski, The Role of Efficiencies in Telecommunications Merger Review, 56 Fed. Comm. L. J. 87. (2003).
{7}Dorian Swerdlow et al.,Managing Procurement Through a Merger: Capturing the Value of the Deal 2 (Booz—Allen&Hamilton, Viewpoints on Mergers, Acquisitions, and Intergration, Aug. 2001),available at: http://extfile. bah. com/livelink/livelink/87995/? func=doc. Fetch&nodeid=87995.
{8}F. M. Scherer, Some Principles for Post-Chicago Antitrust Analysis, 52 Case W. Res. L. Rev. 5,21 (2001).
{9}Thomas B. Leary, Efficiencies and Antitrust:A Story of Ongoing Evolution, Address at the Fall Forum of the ABA Section of Antitrust Law (Nov. 8,2002),available at:http://www3.ftc. gov/speecheds/leary/efficienciesandantitrust.htm.
{10}F. M. Scherer &- David Ross, Industrial Market Structure and Economic Performance 126 (3rd ed. 1990).
{11}Report of the Advisory Panel on Efficiencies, Submitted to Sheridan Scott, Commissioner of Competition, August2005,available at: http://www. competition bureau. gc. ca/epic/site/cb-bc. nsf/en/ 01954e. html.
{12}Report of the Advisory Panel on Efficiencies, Submitted to Sheridan Scott, Commissioner of Competition, August2005,available at: http://www. competition bureau. gc. ca/epic/site/cb-be. nsf/en/01954e. html.

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