


【注释】John H. Jackson: The Trading System: Law and Policy of International Economic Relation, 2nd ed., The MIT Press 1997, p.244.
J. F. Beseler, EEC Protection Against Dumping and Subsidies from “Third Countries”, Common Market Law Review 1968, p. 337.
Hearings before the Senate Finance Committee on the International Antidumping Code on 27th June 1968, 89th Cong, 2nd Sess.17, 1968.
Report of the USITC to the Senate Finance Committee, 90th Cong, p.12, 1968.
Edwin A. Vermulst, Antidumping Law and Practice in the United States and the European Communities: A Comparative Analysis, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. 1987.
WT/DS122/AB/R, paras. 7.258-7.283.
WT/DS184/AB/R, paras. 216-234.
WT/DS219/R, para. 7.366, WT/DS/219/AB/R, paras. 188-191.
WT/DS219/R, paras. 7.367-7.370, WT/DS/219/AB/R, paras. 191-194.
WT/DS/219/AB/R, para. 192.
TN/RL/W/6, p. 3.
TN/RL/W/45, pp. 7-8.
TN/RL/W/26, p. 5.
TN/RL/W/66, p. 2.
TN/RL/W/94, pp. 1-5.
TN/RL/W/22, p. 3.
TN/RL/W/74, p. 1.
TN/RL/W/79, pp. 5-6.
TN/RL/W/98, p.2.
Edwin A. Vermulst, Antidumping Law and Practice in the United States and the European Communities: A Comparative Analysis, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. 1987, p. 559.
David Palmeter, United States Implementation of the Uruguay Round Antidumping Code, Journal of World Trade, Vol.29 No.3, 1995, p. 61.
Cyanuric Acid, Japan, 731-TA-136, USITC Pub. 1407 (1983) (Prelim.).
David Palmeter, Anti-dumping under the WTO: A Comparative Review, Kluwer Law 1996, p. 272. 转引自刘永伟:《反倾销法因果关系标准比较研究》,载《法商研究》2001年第5期。
Dot Matrix Printers from Japan, OJ L317/33 (Definitive), 1988.
Edwin A. Vermulst & Paul Waer, E.C. Anti-dumping Law and Practice, Sweet &Maxwell Limited 1996, p. 315.
Certain laser optical reading systems, and the main constituent elements thereof, for use in motor vehicles, originating in Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan, OJ L18,23.01.1999, recitals 11-14.

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