【注释】U.S. Census Bureau. 2006 REPORT TO CONGRESS of the U.S.-CHINA ECONOMIC AND SECURITY REVIEW COMMISSION P.53,原文为“…A secondary effect of China’s policy of currency manipulation is the huge and growing trade surplus accruing between China and the rest of the world.…”,http://www.uscc.gov(2007年11月10日访问)。 同上,P.55,原文为“…The Commission recommends that Congress enact legislation to define currency manipulation and loan forgiveness as illegal export subsidies subject to countervailing duty penalties levied against an offending country’s exports.…”,http://www.uscc.gov(2007年11月10日访问)。 FRB:Speech,Bernanke—The Chinese Economy:Progress and Challenges,http://www.federalreserve.gov(2007年11月10日访问)。 S.364(Strengthening America’s Trade Laws Act),提案原文见美国参议院网站。 如Morris Goldstein & Nicholas Lardy, Two stage currency reform for China, Asian Wall Street Journal September 12, 2003, A9; Morris Goldstein, Adjusting China’s exchange rate policies, paper presented at the International Monetary Fund''s seminar on China''s Foreign Exchange System, Dalian, China, May 26-27, 2004. C. Fred Bergsten, Clash of the Titans, Newsweek, International Edition April 24, 2006 覃东海、何帆:《浅析人民币升值的外部压力》,中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所工作论文,2003年10月。 IMF, Staff Report for the 2006 Article IV Consultation. Prepared by the Staff Representatives for the 2006 Consultation with the People’s Republic of China, July 11, 2006 CRS Report, China’s currency: economic issues and policy options for U.S. trade policy. April 18, 2006. 为加以区分,美国反补贴法的“countervailable subsidy”译为“可反补贴”,WTO的《补贴与反补贴措施协议》的“actionable subsidy”译为“可诉补贴”。 该款原文是:“3.1 Except as provided in the Agreement on Agriculture, the following subsidies, within the meaning of Article 1, shall be prohibited: (a) subsidies contingent, in law or in fact, whether solely or as one of several other conditions, upon export performance, including those illustrated in Annex I; (b) subsidies contingent, whether solely or as one of several other conditions, upon the use of domestic over imported goods.” 注释4原文是:“This standard is met when the facts demonstrate that the granting of a subsidy, without having been made legally contingent upon export performance, is in fact tied to actual or anticipated exportation or export earnings. The mere fact that a subsidy is granted to enterprises which export shall not for that reason alone be considered to be an export subsidy within the meaning of this provision.” 19USC§1677(5A) S.364(Strengthening America’s Trade Laws Act) SEC.302。提案原文见美国参议院网站。 22USC§5304。 1988年美国财政部首先将韩国和中国台湾列入货币操纵的名单,两个报告期(6个月)后取消,1992年中国台湾再次列入这一名单。 GAO-05-351, INTERNATIONAL TRADE: Treasury Assessments Have Not Found Currency Manipulation, but Concerns about Exchange Rates Continue, p. 15, http://www.gao.gov/docdblite/info.php?rptno=GAO-05-351(2007年11月10日访问)。 http://www.ustreas.gov/offices/international-affairs/economic-exchange-rates/pdf/2006_FXReport.pdf(2007年11月10日访问)。 http://banking.senate.gov/index.cfm?Fuseaction=Hearings.Testimony&TestimonyID=1395&HearingID=247(2007年11月10日访问)。 具体参见The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 81, No. 1(Jan. 1987), pp. 212-214. 当时称作“国家控制经济(state controlled economy)”,后经美国《1988年综合贸易与竞争力法案》修改(Subsec. (c). Pub. L. 100-418, Sec. 1316(a)),统一用“非市场经济国家(nonmarket economy country)”代替“国家控制经济”。本文统一用“非市场经济国家”。 GAO-05-474, Commerce Faces Practical and Legal Challenges in Applying Countervailing Duties, June 2005, www.gao.gov/new.items/d05474.pdf(2007年11月10日访问)。 S.364(Strengthening America’s Trade Laws Act) SEC.301。提案原文见美国参议院网站。 GAO-05-474,Commerce Faces Practical and Legal Challenges in Applying Countervailing Duties, June 2005, www.gao.gov/new.items/d05474.pdf(2007年11月10日访问),第44页。 U.S. Court of International Trade, Government of the PRC vs. the United States, Court No.07-0010. http://www.cit.uscourts.gov/slip_op/Slip_op07/07-50.pdf(2007年11月10日访问)。 根据WTO统计,截至2004年6月,美国实施中的反补贴税措施达到57项之多,是成员中最多的一个。排名第二的为欧盟,有18项,加拿大为第三位,有10项。(参见WTO2004年11月9日报告:Report (2004) of the Committee on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures,G/L/711)。 Stewart & Stewart, Response to Bachuus/Shapiro analysis of WTO-consistency of Hunter-Ryan Bill (HR1498), September 2006.