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see Ignacio Garcia Bercero and Stefan D.Amarasinha, "Moving the Trade and Competition Debate Forward", Journal of International Economic Law (vol.4 No.3 September 2001),at 483. 转引了: OECD 2000 Hard Core Cartel Report, http://www.oecd/org/daf/clp/CLP- reports/hcc- e.pdf(visited 10 May 2001)
Wiliam Sugden, "Global Antitrust and the Evolution of An International Standard", 35 Vand. J. Transnat'' l L. 995- 996( 2002) .
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王晓晔、陶正华:《WTO 的竞争政策及其对中国的影响— —兼论制定反垄断法的意义》,《中国社会科学》2003年第5期。
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Working Group on the Interaction between Trade and Competition Policy, Core Principle, Including Transparency, Non -Discrimination and Procedure Fairness: Background Note by the Secretariat, WT/WGTCP/W/209, PP 18- 21 (Sept. 19, 2002), available at http://www.wto.org (last visited May 25, 2003), see from : Edward T. Swaine , " International Coordination of Competition Policy: Does Global Antitrust Law Have A future", 43 Va. J. Int'' l L. 968( 2003) .
Wiliam Sugden, "Global Antitrust and the Evolution of An International Standard", 35 Vand. J. Transnat'' l L. 1003( 2002) .
Ignacio Garcia Bercero and Stefan D.Amarasinha, "Moving the Trade and Competition Debate Forward", Journal of International Economic Law(vol.4 No.3 September 2001),at 500.
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