


【注释】本文是中国博士后科学基金会资助的课题《民事证据评价制度研究》(课题编号2009045 1299)的阶段性研究成果。
David A. Binder, Paul. Bergman, Fact Investigation,West Publishing Co.1984. p6.
通常认为传闻规则排除的依据在于传闻不是直接来源于案件的发生于发展,是证人对陈述者(declarant)陈述的转述,真实性无法保障。证据法学者道格拉斯认为,随着庭审权这一宪法权利在各国的引入,传闻规则的正当性依据也在悄然变化,由原来的真实性保障向宪法性权利保障转变。John G. Douglass, Admissibilty as Cause and Effect: Considering Affirmative Rights Under the Confrontation Clause,Quinnipiac Law  Review,(21),2003.pp1047~1071.
James Wm.Moore, Helen I.Bendix,Congress,Evidenc and Rulemaking,The Yale Law Journal,Vol.84.9.1974.p14.
Laurence J.Severance, Elizabeth F.Loftus, Improving the Ability of Jurors to Comprehend and Apply Criminal Jury Instuctions,Law & Society Review,Vol.17. 1.1982; J. Alexander Tanford,Law Reform By Courts ,Legislatures,and Commissions:Following Empirical Research on Jury Instructions. Law & Society Review,Vol.25.1.1991.
Jack H.Friedenthal,Mary Kay Kane, Arthur R.Miller,Civil Procdure(Second Edition), West Publishing Co,1993.p600.
David A. Binder, Paul. Bergman, Fact Investigation,West Publishing Co.1984. p134.
Robert I.Donigan,Edward C.Fisher,Robert. H.Reader,Richard N. Williams, The Evidence Handbook,Published by The Traffic Institute,Northwesten University,1975.p3
这里之所以用“相似性”而不采用“一致性”,就是因为英美法系国家和地区补强证据与间接证据的适用方式有重大的差别,间接证据之进入诉讼程序,法官除告诫事实裁判者证明标准外,关于间接证据的额外指示将导致混乱。David A. Binder, Paul. Bergman, Fact Investigation,West Publishing Co.1984.p151.
Wigmore ,Evidence,2d.sex.2032.1923.p291.
William Blackstone, Commentaries On the Laws of England .Univ. of Chicago Press.1979.p270.
Cross:Cross On Evidence,Butter Worths,1990,p599.
Tom Barber, Young Lawyers Division: The Anatomy of Florida''s Corpus Delecti Doctrine, 74 FLA. B.J. 2000. p80 .
Maria Lisa Crisera:Reevaluation of the Califounia CorpusDelicti Rule:A Response to The Invitation of Propositions,California Law Review,Vol.78.1990. p1581.
Escobedo v. Illinois, 378 U.S. 478, 488-89 (1964) (Goldberg,J,concurring).
Corey J. Ayling, Comment, Corroborating Confessions: An Empirical Analysis of Legal Safeguards Against False Confessions, 1984 WIS. L. REV. 1984.p1123.
Medard R.Rwelamria,Corroboration of Accomplice Evidence in Swaziland :Some Thoughts on Judicial Interepretations and Implications.Criminal Justice.Vol.36. 1.1992.p58.
Carole Peterson,Melody Grant. Forced- Choice:Are Forensic Interviewer Asking the Right Questions?Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science.Vol.33.2. 2001.p124.
Hunt, J. S., Borgida, E., Is that what I said? Witnesses’ responses to interviewer modifications. Law and Human Behavior, Vol.25. 2001.pp 583~603.
Corey J. Ayling, Corroborating Confessions: An Empirical Analysis of Legal Safeguards Against False Confessions, Wisconsin. Law Review.1984.P1174.
John Monahan,Laurens Walker,Empirical Questions Without Empirical Answers. Wisconsin Law Review.1991.p569.
Major Russell, L.Miller, The Stuggle to Apply Corroboration Rule. Military Law Review.Winter.2003.p188.
David A. Binder, Paul. Bergman, Fact Investigation,West Publishing Co.1984. p13.
Robert Rosenthal.J.D.,Suggestibility,Reliability and the Legal Process. Developmental Review.22.2002.p348.
宋英辉 汤维建:《我国证据制度的理论与实践》,中国人民公安大学出版社2006年版,第195页。
Maria Lisa Crisera:Reevaluation of the Califounia CorpusDelicti Rule:A Response to The Invitation of Propositions,California LawReview,Vol.78.1990. p1577.
Major Russell, L.Miller, The Stuggle to Apply Corroboration Rule. Military Law Review.Winter.2003.p185.
Major Russell, L.Miller, The Stuggle to Apply Corroboration Rule. Military Law Review.Winter.2003.p199.
Duvall, 47 M.J. at 190.
Kodilinye曾经对亲子确认程序中可以补强申请人证词的补强证据形式进行探讨,并详细介绍了英联邦国家的上诉法院或者最高法院之具体证据形式可否作为补强证据的判例。Lystra Kodilinye,Corroboration in Affiliation Proceeding in the Commonwealth. The International and Comparative Law Quarterly.Vol.36.2.1987.
Medard R.Rwelamria,Corroboration of Accomplice Evidence in Swaziland :Some Thoughts on Judicial Interepretations and Implications.Criminal Justice.Vol.36.1.1992.p54.
Major Russell,L.Miller,The Struggle to Apply Corroboration rule ,Military Law Review,Winter,2003,p183.

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