From the contents of human rights, they could be generally divided into several types such as Bodily Rights, Political Rights, Economic Rights, Social Rights and etc., however, all the adjectives of these rights refer to the contents of the rights, and describes them from the angle of object. But the adjective of Civil Rights does not illustrate the contents of the rights at all; it explains them from the subject of the rights. So we should not mix up the two different kinds of rights.
If we assume Civil Rights as the synonym of Personal Rights(个人人权), they naturally should include Bodily Rights, Political Rights, Economic Rights, Cultural Rights, Social Rights and etc. Political Rights are contained by Personal Rights rather than juxtapose Political Rights with Personal Rights.
If we assume Civil Rights as the synonym of Human Rights(人类人权), they also should include Bodily Rights, Political Rights, Economic Rights, Cultural Rights, Social Rights and etc. Political Rights are contained by Personal Rights rather than juxtapose Political Rights with Personal Rights.
From the etymology, we can find that Civil Rights are rights of Civis. Civis are a part of human beings who are in middle and upper class as class of guoren,shi,dafu(国人士大夫阶层); They enjoy Bodily Rights, Economic Rights, Cultural Rights, and Social Rights, but also Political Rights. Therefore, although Civil Rights can consider as the synonym Rights of Civis, they still can’t correlated with Political Rights.
All mentioned above, regardless of from any aspects, Civil Rights couldn’t correlate with Political Rights.
Ⅳ。 The Covenant should be renamed as International Covenant on Bodily and Political Rights
The nomination of the covenant should be identical with the contents. In that case, what is the mainly contents of the Covenant? The Covenant includes 53 articles in all. Among them the latter 26 ones are about regulating the problems of the own procedure of the Covenant. Only the preceding 27 articles aim at regulating the concrete rights of human beings. Therefore, in order to name the covenant properly, we should get down from the preceding 27 articles.