Questionaire about the Legal Issues Relating to Chinese Enterprises' Doing Business in Africa

  A. Yes  B. No  C. A little

  5. Do you think it a decisive factor to know about African law for your company to start business in Africa? (  )

  A. Yes  B. No  C. Never mind

  6. In what way does your company know about the relevant African Law? (   )

  A. By reading the legal journals or attending the African law seminar in China

  B. By searching from the websites

  C. By consulting the lawyers and scholars in the host country

  D. By consulting the African law experts in China

  7. Does your company have any legal disputes when doing business in Africa?(  )

  A. Yes  B. No

  8. If yes, what kind of dispute is it?

  A. Contract B. Tort C. Industrial relationship D. other (please specify:  )

  9. How is the legal dispute settled? (  )

  A. Consultation B. Arbitration  C. Litigation

  D. other way (please specify:  )

  10. Which is the law you chose to govern the contract with regard to your investments in Africa? (   )

  A. Chinese B. The law of the country where the investment is made

  C. Other (please specify:  )

  11. Does your company know about the following African regional institutions and their legal systems? (   )

  A. Southern African Development Community (SADC)

  B. East African Community (EAC)

  C. Common Market of Eatern and Southern Africa (COMESA)

  D. Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine (UEMOA)

  E. None of them

  12. Do you know about the Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa (OHADA)? ( )

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