孙宏涛(1978— ),男,山东济南人,华东政法大学经济法学院讲师,法学博士,主要从事
【注释】 See Del. Code Ann. tit. 8, § 102(b)(7).
See Mo. Rev. Stat. § 351.355 (7) (1986),N.Y. BUS. CORP. LAW § 721.
See Brenner, BankAmerica Captive Offshore Insurer Raises Legality and Proprietary Questions, Am. Banker, Apr. 26, 1985, p.1.;Brenner, Regulators Let BankAmerica Keep Its Captive Insurer, Am. Banker, July 22, 1985, p.23.;Brenner, Banks'''' Offshore Self-Insurance Firm Finds Reinsurance, Am. Banker, Nov. 27, 1985, p.2.;Light, Insurance Captive Formed, Am. Banker, April 15, 1986, p.3.
【参考文献】[1] Heaney, The Crisis in Bank Insurance is Starting to Hurt, A.B.A. Banking J., July 1985, p.54.
[2] L. William Caraccio, Void ab Initio: Application Fraud as Grounds for Avoiding Directors'''' and Officers'''' Liability Insurance Coverage, California Law Review, 1986, v.74, pp.929-933.
[3] Sara R. Slaughter, Statutory and Non-Statutory Responses to the Director and Officer Liability Insurance Crisis, Indiana Law Journal, 1988, v.63, pp.183-184.
[4] Andrews, Keeping Directors Aboard, Venture, June 1986, p.37.
[5] Maher, MGIC Indemnity Expanding D&O Horizons, Nat''''l Underwriter, Nov. 28, 1981, p.2, 17.
[6] Roberta Romano, What Went Wrong With Directors'''' and Officers'''' Liability Insurance? Delaware Journal of Corporate Law, 1989, v.14, pp.18-19.
[7] Sudo, Liability Insurance Expected to be Hard to Find, Am. Banker, Oct. 22, 1984, p.49.
[8] Lewin, Director Insurance Drying Up, N.Y. Times, Mar. 7, 1986, p.1.
[9] Oesterle, Limits on a Corporation''''s Protection of Its Directors and Officers from Personal Liability, WIS. L. REV, 1983, pp.513-514.
[10] Jay L. Kanzler, Jr., A Look at the Director and Officer Liability Insurance Crisis: Insuring a Balance of Interests, Northern Kentucky Law Review, 1992, v. 19, pp.493-494.
[11] Louden, The Liability of Advisory Boards, Directors and Boards, 1986, v.10, pp.19-20.
[12] Ronald E. Mallen, David W. Evans, Surviving the Directors'''' and Officers'''' Liability Crisis: Insurance and the Alternatives, Delaware Journal of Corporate Law, 1987, v.12, pp.469-470.
[13] Daniel E. Rhynhart, After the S&L Crisis: the Future of Regulatory Exclusions in Bank Directors'''' and Officers'''' Insurance and Professional Liability Insurance Policies, Annual Review of Banking Law, 1996, v.15, pp.559-562.