
  婚姻的幸福在于爱情。“人们相信性接触的正当权利存在于爱情之中的时候开始,婚姻的正当性观念就受到了威胁……因此,婚姻要以其内涵,即不断发展的爱情事实,来保证自己的正当权利。” [67]即婚姻的正当性在于爱情而不是在于性别。虽然,爱情不是法律调整的对象,但法律却有责任提供自由的空间以促进当事人的爱情而不是限制其发生。既然同性恋与异性恋者爱情的性取向不同一,性别与爱情也就并无必然的联系,那么,强调婚姻的性别基础以限制当事人的爱情就不具有道德上的正当性。婚姻之不同于其他性关系在于其共同生活的内在要求与外在事实。尽管爱情观千人千面,但爱情往往是这一共同体结合的内驱力却是不争的事实。法律保护这一结合的共同体的目的只在于尊重并维护千人千面的情感需求,而不是为了符合一种无法证明的理由[68],而强行追求统一的爱情标准,并以这整齐划一的标准对婚姻的性别作格式化的处理。这种格式化的处理其实蕴含的是多数人对少数人实行暴政的权力。
Deconstruction the gender foundation of marriage

  Abstract: At the primary stage, the aim of the human being’s marriage was not related directly to bear and sexual entertaiment, but the motive of the connection between male and female is based on the requirements of fostering children on the foundation of the natural division of labour, then the establishment of the mothod of the two fostering children have completed the assignment of constructing the gender foundation of marriage. But with the forward historical evolution, the relationship between marriage and bear has been recognized by the human being and strengthened by the country’s power, and the gender foundation of marriage has been regulation zed step by step so that to result to the mythological superstition to the natural characteristics of the gender foundation of marriage. Otherwise, the gender foundation of marriage is the result of social construction after all ,but at present is being shaked by the bearing technology revolution in the field of medicine ,at last should been overturned it by the homosexual and their marriage.At the same time ,we recognize that the process of constructing the gender foundation of marriage is the one of constructing the oppression to the female and the minority.The modern society cherishes the personality and freedom ,respects the rights and equality. Marriage is a personal choice to pursue the happiness and not a kind of power’s political remark ,then the gender foundation of marriage has not its right basement and has been not promoted by the law.
  Key words :marriage ,gender foundation,bear,social construction,value orientation.
【注释】* 本文发表于《北大法律评论》第6卷第1辑(2004)。本文为作者主持的国家社会科学基金项目“法理学视野下的性别问题研究”的阶段性课题,批准号为04CFX003。

E.A.韦斯特马克:《人类婚姻史》,李彬等译,北京:商务印书 馆,2002年,页114。

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