
Paras. 41-43 of the judgment in Deliege,paras.32-34 of the judgment in Lehtonen.

Para 64 of the ruling.

See especially paras. 53-56 of the judgment.

MEMO/02/127, “The application of the EU’s competition rules to sports”, 5 June 2002.

IP/99/782, 21 Oct. 1999.

IP/02/585, 18 April 2002.

O.J.1997, C361/7.

经济实力雄厚的一级方程式赛车已迅速崛起,并准备将其经营转移到欧盟范围之外,对于立法机关来说,它已经成为一块难啃的硬骨头;被欧洲法院在Case C-376/98 Germany v. Council and Parliament ECR Ⅰ-8419中宣布废止的“烟草广告”指令,包含了(现在已是多余了)对这一产业的妥协。有关背景, see Khanna, “The defeat of the European Tobacco Advertising Directive: a blow for health”, 20 YEL(2001), 113.

O.J. 2001, C 169/5.

IP/01/1523, 30 Oct. 2001.

IP/99/965, 9 Dec. 1999, IP 99/956, 9 June 1999.

CAS 98/200, AEK Athens and Slavia Prague v. UEFA, 20 August 1999. 关于CAS的介绍,see Beloff, Kerr, Demetriou, Sports Law (Oxford, Hart, 1999), Chs. 8. 101-8. 108.

O.J. 1999, C 363/2.

IP/02/942, 27 June 2002.

IP/02/1211, 9 Aug. 2002.

Decision 2000/12 1998 Football World Cup O.J.2000, L 5/55.

O.J.1997, C372, Paras. 15, 17, 40 of the Notice.

Para 77 of the Decision.

Para 85, citing Case T-83/91,Tetra Pak Ⅱ,ECR Ⅱ-755,Case 7/82,GVL,ECR 483.

(确实更加重要!)接下来的Decision 2001/892 Deutsche Post O.J.2001,L331/40,欧共体委员会引用了世界杯足球赛案坚持这一原则。

See especially para 109 of the Decision.

上世纪80年代英国球迷制造了多起暴力事件,而对此采取的反应措施不成比例却并未受到置疑,see Evans, “Freedom of Trade under the common law and EC law: the case of the football bans”, 102 Law Quarterly Review(1986), 510.

Para 102; also para 122.

Para 125.

Para 123.

Decision 92/521 Distribution of Package Tours during the 1990 World Cup O.J.1992, L 326/31.

See Weatherill, “0033149875354: Fining the Organisers of the 1998 Football World Cup”, (2000) ECLR, 275, 该文特别讨论了欧共体委员会在处理笔者的申诉时表现出的自相矛盾。

IP/00/591, 8 June 2000.

A.G.Lenz’s Opinion in Bosman, cited supra note 2, contains an overview. See also Blanpain and Inston, The Bosman Case: The End of the Transfer System? (Leuven, Peeters, 1996); Greenfield, “The Ties that Bind: Charting Contemporary Sporting Contractual Relations”, Ch. 8 in Greenfield and Osborn(Eds.), Law and Society in Contemporary Society(London, Frank Cass, 2000); Dubey前引书, pp.272-317, 569-583.

Case C-415/93,URBSFA v. Bosman,ECR Ⅰ-4921, para 106.

Para 110 of the judgment; and see more fully (on this as on so many other things) the Opinion of A.G.Lenz.

有时让投资者感到沮丧;经济动因与体育动因之间的潜在利益冲突被曼联俱乐部收购里奥·费迪南德(Rio Ferdinand)时引发的震动展现出来了,这份于2002年夏季同利兹联队(Leeds United)签订的合同价值2800万镑;例如,“Unappreciative investors cry foul at depreciating asset”, Financial Times, 23 July 2002, p.21:据称,分析家斯蒂芬·福特(Stephen Ford)认为曼联的股东“可能倾向于少把钱投在球员交易上,而希望通过分红的确定性获得更多回报。”

Dobson and Goddard, The Economics of Football(Cambridge University Press, 2001), pp.90-101 & Ch.4; O’Leary and Caiger, “The re-regulation of football and its impact on employment contracts”, Ch. 16 in Collins, Davies and Rideout(Eds.), Legal Regulation of the Employment Relation(London, Kluwer, 2000); Antonioni and Cubbin, “The Bosman Ruling and the Emergence of a Single Market in Soccer Talent”, 9 Euro Jnl Law and Econ (2000), 157.

在任何情况下,那都是未来发生诉讼的三件套式的前景,笔者已在为这篇评论所做的对裁决的注解中予以澄清, see annotation by Weatherill, 33 CML Rev, 1019-1031. See Also Thill, “L’arret Bosman et ses implications pour la libre circulation des sportifs a l’interieur de l’U.E.dans des contexts factuels differents de l’affaire Bosman”, (1996) Revue du Marche Unique European, 89; Morris, Morrow and Spink, “EC Law and Professional Football: Bosman and its Implications”, 59 MLR(1996), 893; Hiff, “Das Bosman-Urteil des EuGH”, (1996)NJW, 1169; Spink, “Blowing the whistle on Football’s Domestic Transfer Fee”,(1999) Juridical Review 73.

对于潜在中的和实际上的诉讼,see Gardiner and Welch, “Show me the money: regulation of the migration of the migration of professional sportsmen in Post-Bosman Europe”, pp.107-126 in Caiger and Gardiner supra note 15; McAuley, “They think it’s all over…It might just be now: unraveling the ramifications for the European Football Transfer System post-Bosman”, (2002) ECLR, 331.

IP/01/314, “Outcome of discussions between the Commission and FIFA/UEFA on FIFA Regulations on international football transfers”, 5 March 2001; 法文的“formalisées”、德文的“formell besiegelt”,这些用语同英文相似,将使欧共体的律师们感到困惑。Cf. Egger and Stix-Hackl,”Sports and Competition Law: a Never-Ending Story?”(2002) ECLR, 81, 90-91.

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