J Wong, “Container Transportation and Anomalies in the Law” (1995) 23 ABLR 340. Michelle Taylor, “Is the requirement of an insurable interest in the Marine Insurance Act still valid?”Insurance Law Journal, 2000-99, 1999, vol.11, P160. International Chamber of Commerce Incoterms 2000 ICC Publishing SA Paris 1999,24. 也可在Incoterms的 FOB和CFR买卖合同中规定,买方承担货物从离开卖方仓库时至抵达买方仓库时止的整个运输过程的风险,但是,这就改变了两种贸易术语的性质。 (1991) 25 NSWLR 699,701,704. Nicholas Legh-Jones QC ,The Elements of Insurable in Interest Marine Insurance Law, Prof. D. Rhidian Thomas (editor), The Modern Law of Marine Insurance (Vol. 2), LLP, 2002,p137. Nicholas Legh-Jones QC ,The Elements of Insurable in Interest Marine Insurance Law, Prof. D. Rhidian Thomas (editor), The Modern Law of Marine Insurance (Vol. 2), LLP, 2002,p141. 其他赌博保险合同还有根本没有可保利益的保单、记载“保险人无救助利益(without benefit of salvage to the insurer)”的保单等。 参Cousins v. Nantes (1811) 3 Taunt. 513, 522和Sadlers’ Company v. Badcock (1743) 2 Atk. 554, 556两案中法官的评述。 Nicholas Legh-Jones QC ,The Elements of Insurable in Interest Marine Insurance Law, Prof. D. Rhidian Thomas (editor), The Modern Law of Marine Insurance (Vol. 2), LLP, 2002,p137. Lowry v. Bourdieu (1780) 2 Dougl.468. Nicholas Legh-Jones QC ,The Elements of Insurable in Interest Marine Insurance Law, Prof. D. Rhidian Thomas (editor), The Modern Law of Marine Insurance (Vol. 2), LLP, 2002,p141. Howard N. Bennett, The Law of Marine Insurance, Clarendon Press. Oxford, 1996, p14-15. Thomas Cheshire & Co v Vaughan Bros & Co (1919) 25 Com Cas 242; 3 KB 240, CA. ; John Edwards & Co v Mortor Union insurance Co Ltd 2KB 249. John Edwards & Co v Mortor Union insurance Co Ltd 2KB 249. (Brown v. Merc. Marine Insurance Co. 152 Fed. Rep. 411 (1907, CCA 9); Hall v. Jefferson 279 F. 392 (1921, SDNY); Cabaud v. Fed. Ins. 37 F. 2d 23 (1930, CCA 2); The Hai Hsuan (No.2) (1958) 2 Lloyd’s Rep. 578 (DC Md)). 本保单扩展承保作为保险货物卖方的被保险人的利益……它仅仅有关被保险人根据FOB或CFR条款所作的出口,并受制于和下述保险条件相同的保险条件(一直排除拒收风险),这种条件是假如出售是根据CIF条款进行本会使用的条件…… Michelle Taylor, “Is the requirement of an insurable interest in the Marine Insurance Act still valid?”Insurance Law Journal, 2000-99, 1999, vol.11, P158-159.