
   S.1361, 93rd Cong. § 108 (1973). 
   Copyright Law Revisions: Hearings onS. 1361, Subcomm. on Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights of the Senate Comm. onthe Judiciary, 93rd Cong., at 90 (testimony of Dr. Stephen A. McCarthy,Executive Director, Ass’n of Research Libraries, Jul. 31, 1973). 
   Testimony of Dr. Stephen A.McCarthy, Executive Director, Ass’n of Research Libraries, Jul. 31, 1973, at 90.同上注. 
   该委员会系根据1974年一项单独立法而设立,其任务是研究计算机和其他类型复制设备对版权作品的复制和使用问题。S.Rep. No.94-92, at 15-16 (1975). 
   Testimony of Ambassador Kenneth B.Keating, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., Jul. 31, 1973, at 130. 同注27. 
   Senate Report on the Digital Millennium Copyright Actof 1998. S. Rep. No. 105-190, at 2-3 (1998). At (查询于2006-09-23) 
   (1) to accommodate the reality of thecomputerized library by allowing the preparation ofthree copies of worksin digital form, with no more than one copy in use at any time (while theothers are archived); ; THE REPORT OF THE WORKING GROUP ON INTELLECTUALPROPERTY RIGHTS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND THE NATIONAL INFORMATIONINFRASTRUCTURE (1995),at 227, available at .(查询于2006-09-24) 
   GDS高阳万国公司. 加快灾难备份系统建设步伐,确保企业业务连续运作——灾难备份关键技术浅谈.《 网络安全技术与应用 》2004年第5期 
   Carol C. Henderson. American Library Ass’n, LibraryPreservation: Changes Incorporated in H.R. 2281 The Digital MillenniumCopyright Act of 1998 (PL 105-304) 1 (1998), available at .(查询于2006-09-24) 
   House Report No. 94-1476. At (查询于2006-09-24) 
   S. Rep. No. 105-190, at 62 (1998). 同注31. 
   § 108(a)(2); SECTION 108. REPRODUCTION BYLIBRARIES AND ARCHIVES. The House Report on the Copyright Act of 1976, H. R. Rep.No. 94-1476, at 22 (1976). 同注35. 
   S.Rep. No. 105-190, p60, 同注31. 
   Report of the Copyright Office onsection 108 of the Copyright Act, at 105. (查询于2006-09-24) 
   S.Rep. No. 105-190, p61, 同注31. 
   H. R. Rep. No. 94-1476, at 75(1976), 同注35. 
   S.Rep. No. 105-190, at 61-62. 同注31. 
   § 108(c)(2) 
   The amendment to subsection (c) also broadens itscoverage to allow the updating of obsolete formats. It permits the making ofsuch copies or phonorecords of a work ‘‘if the existing format in which thework is stored has become obsolete.’’ This provision is intended to permitlibraries and archives to ensure that copies of works in their collectionscontinue to be accessible and useful to their patrons. S. Rep. No. 105-190, at 62 (1998). 同注31.  
   (ii)Published works. Copies made under the authority of subsection (c) willclearly be transferred to another library’s collection when their purpose is toreplace a lost or stolen copy of which the “victim” library does not have aduplicate of its own available for copying. In addition, if a library’s copy ofa published work is so badly damaged or deteriorated that a readable copy cannot be made from it, then it may be lawful to transfer a replacement in theform of a photocopy to that library’s collection, provided, of course, that areasonable effort fails to unearth an unused copy at a fair price. At 114. 同注42. 

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