Sonny BonoCopyright Term Extension Act, Pub. L. 105-298, title I, Oct. 27, 1998, 112 Stat. 2827, at (查询于2006-09-18) 美国于1790年首次颁布统一的联邦版权法。此后,该法分别于1873年、1891年、1909年、1976年进行了4次大的修改。参见:包海波. 美国知识产权保护制度的特点及发展趋势研究. (查询于2006-09-18) Copyright Act of1909, Pub. L. No. 349, 35 Stat. 1075 (1909). At (查询于2006-09-18) Peter B. Hirtle.Research, Libraries, and Fair Use: The Gentlemen’s Agreement of 1935. At (查询于2006-09-18) Libraryreproductions of entire works were plainly infringements of the copyrightowner’s exclusive rights. Jackson S. Saunders, Origin of the “Gentlemen’sAgreement” of 1935. Reprography and Copyright Law, 国图藏书,Z642\H36. AppendixA: The “Gentlemen’s Agreement” of 1935, at 157. 同上注. BorgeVarmer, Photoduplication of Copyrighted Material by Libraries, reprinted in STAFFOF SENATE COMM. ON THE JUDICIARY, 86TH CONG., STUDY NO. 15, COPYRIGHT LAWREVISION 52-53 (Comm. Print1960). Peter B. Hirtle. Research, Libraries,and Fair Use: The Gentlemen’s Agreement of 1935, p18. At (查询于2006-09-20) List of Studies, Register''sReport on the General Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law (1961). At (查询于2006-09-20) Photocopyingby libraries,Register''s Report on theGeneral Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law (1961). At (查询于2006-09-20) SupplementaryRegister''s Report on the General Revision of the U.S. Copyright Law (1965), at. At (查询于2006-09-20) H. R. Rep. No. 89-2237, at 65 (1966) S. Rep. No. 91-519, at 8-9 (1969) S.Rep. No. 91-1219, at 5-6 (1970). Public Law 94-553 86th Annual Report of the Registerof Copyrights for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30 1983. at (查询于2006-09-23) 同上注. 1947年,美国施乐公司(Xerox Corporation)的前身——哈罗依德公司(Haloid)从本国业余发明家切斯特·卡尔逊(Chester F.Carlson)和科尼(O.Kornei)手中购买了“电子图像复印技术”(Electro Photo Graphy),并和卡尔逊一起完成了世界上首台复印机的开发。1959年哈罗依德公司推出了首台使用普通纸的自动办公复印机——施乐914复印机。参见:老品牌新名称.《财经文摘》. 2005年第12期. (查询于2006-09-23) Williams & Wilkins Co. v. United States, 487 F.2d 1345 (Ct. Cl. 1973) 78thAnnual Report of the Register of Copyrights for the Fiscal Year Ending June 301975, at p12. At (查询于2006-09-23) Photo-duplicatesof books, newspapers, maps, etc. can be furnished at a reasonable rate by meansof the Photostat installed in the Chief Clerk’s Office. 同注22. Whatever maybe the bounds of "fair use" as defined and applied by the courts,defendant is clearly outside those bounds. Defendant''s photocopying iswholesale copying and meets none of the criteria for "fair use." Thephotocopies are exact duplicates of the original articles; are intended to besubstitutes for, and serve the same purpose as, the original articles; andserve to diminish plaintiff''s potential market for the original articles sincethe photocopies are made at the request of, and for the benefit of, the verypersons who constitute plaintiff''s market. Defendant says, nevertheless, thatplaintiff has failed to show that it has been harmed by unauthorizedphotocopying; and that, in fact, plaintiff''s journal subscriptions haveincreased steadily over the last decade. Plaintiff need not prove actualdamages to make out its case for infringement. 同注22.