宪法程式化为一种从解释实践的工作中被消除的抽象的文件,并从而削弱了常常痛苦地维持公共的合理性或伦理世界的生产力。如同黑格尔在《法哲学》(the Philosophy of Right)中谈到的,公共的伦理世界证明了客观地既定法和解释代理人或市民的主观自治之间的调和。他写到,“主观性与客观的和绝对的善的统一是伦理世纪或道德生活;在其中,我们发现了和解,因为它符合(善的)概念”。并且他补充说,“法律和(主观的)道德不能独立地存在,而是必须有伦理(Sittliche)作为它们的支撑和维持的基础”。[23]
【注释】Richard Rorty, Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1979), 315-16, 320. In social-theoretical literature the same dichotomy surfaces in the contrast between "structure" and "event" as articulated by structuralist and poststructuralist writers. On this contrast see the comments by Michel Foucault and several interviewers in The Foucault Reader, ed. Paul Rabinow (New York: Pantheon, 1984), 55-56, especially the following: "A whole generation was long trapped in an impasse, in that following the works of ethnologists, some of them great ethnologists, a dichotomy was established between structures (the thinkable) and the event considered as the site of the irrational, the unthinkable, that which does not and cannot enter into the mechanism and play of analysis at least in the form which this took in structuralism" (55).
Stanley Rosen, Hermeneutics as Politics (New York: Oxford University Press, 1987). For the distinction between ordinary and extraordinary hermeneutics see Rorty, Philosophy, 320-21, 360.
On classical Greek thought see Leo Strauss, Natural Right and History (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1953); see also Alasdair MacIntyre, After Virtue (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 1981), esp. 121-45. Regarding the transition from Greek to Hellenistic and Stoic thought, compare Foucault''s comments: "You can see, for instance, in the Stoics, how they move slowly from an idea of an aesthetics of existence to the idea that we have to do such and such things because we are rational beings—as members of the (universal) human community we have to do them" Foucault Reader, 354. In lieu of an "aesthetics of existence" I would prefer talking of a move from a "virtue ethics" to a deontological ethics. The notion of rule-governance is thematized by Foucault under the label mode d''assujettissement.
John Locke, Second Treatise of Civil Government (South Bend, Ind.: Gateway, 1955), 5-6, 109 (chap. 2, sec. 6; chap. 11, sec. 134).
Ibid., 110-14, 119 (chap. 11, secs. 135-37, 142).
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract, trans. Maurice Cranston (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968), 81-82 (bk. 2, chap. 6).